haven’t been here in a while, doesn’t mean i haven’t thought of yall. i find that the pps comes and goes, and this time it came and stayed and ate dinner and moved in and slept on the couch and invited all its friends to come on over.
hard to get rid of it; nothing to do but wait, finally feeling better.
thank you all for sending hugs and notes. i was here but couldn’t type.
doc said i had diabetes but just barely and am just too overweight, so i have lost 20# by just cutting out all sweets and refined carbs, like pasta, etc. just happen to be the things i love the most, but diabetes is, in my opinion, really worse than pps and the other stuff that ail me. you can die of it and it ain’t pretty…so very motivated. have a long way to go, but easier than i thought…
with love to all,