At what point does the platelet count indicate a need for meds? My husband’s count is in the 500s.
Thanks for any info you can share about this.
Additionally, is it generally agreed that PV is NOT a BM disease but an enzyme induces one?
At what point does the platelet count indicate a need for meds? My husband’s count is in the 500s.
Thanks for any info you can share about this.
Additionally, is it generally agreed that PV is NOT a BM disease but an enzyme induces one?
For a PV patient, allow me to say it is really not serious for that count, my count reaches 1200s, but my doctor cares only for red blood cells.
500 is not excessively high, but you asked if it might be high enoungh to warrent meds, if I’m understanding you correctly. The RBC is going to have a lot to do with the decision your Dr. makes. Has your husband been diagnosed to have PV? Is he on aspirin &/or phlebotomies? And is all of this being done be a Hemotologist? Family Dr. really not equiped to handle this blood disorder. What is a BM disease, and no PV is not enzyme based, a mutation of an aleal on our DNA. Very broad general discription. Check you tube, Dr Ruben Mesa, Mayo Clinic in AZ. Very knowledgeable