Hirschsprung's disease

Would like to learn more about this disease. Is surgery successful?

it largly depends on the severity of the HD, any other issues that may also be present, when it’s diagnosed and how good your doctors are. all cases are so different. In our case, we had a primary pull-through and it worked beautifully so far! But i’ve seen lots of other parents going through multiple surgeries, procedures that didn’t work or didn’t work completely… Poke around on the board a little bit, you’ll find lots of different stories, one might be like yours!

Hello lalin

We have had both the ileostomy and the pull-through surgeries. It’s gone well so far. There has been a lot of advancement in surgical techniques that there is a much better chance of it being successful.

I would advice you to go to a hospital and surgeon where others have had successful surgeries to avoid taking a chance. We had ours done at Lucille Packard Childrens Hospital at Stanford. We live in California so it worked out well for us. Our surgeon’s name was Dr Albanese.

Read the other posts to find other successful surgery locations. You will have other short term challenges after surgery which you have to get prepared for once you make the decision.
