Happy New Year everyone,
Just wanted to share this product that reduced my daughter’s eczema.
Have been trying out this product for a few weeks now.
My 3yr old daughter’s eczema (infrequent applications of 1% hydrocortisone for face legs nappy) has reduced to about 80% less- even the outbursts on her I was expecting for winter are smaller, wounds on face and legs are gone, and most importantly the itching is gone!! Just for that I’d be happy.
It says its an all-natural product and maybe it worked better on her than for others, I dont know, All I know is that I stopped using the hydrocortisone and scars on her legs thinned out and are fading.
While it didnt seem to work as fast as they say onsite, it did work and there were no bigger outbursts , ever, just smaller and smaller. I dont even use it regularly now, just when the red patches come.
Its called Surestop for eczema and its on www.katuri.com and made specially safe for babies
Hope that it helps someone out there, I know I got a lot of relief just having it on hand.