Hello my friends. This morning finds me pretty optimistic about life and I wanted to check in with you. I remain pretty silent on this site most of the time, but I read your postings and I feel your pain. It hurts to hear so much suffering and so few good answers that help. However, I want to share this… For those of you don’t know me, I have pancreatic cancer and by the doctor’s standards a short lived death sentence. I think back over the last 10 years of my life and I remember all the horrendous back aches that just did not make sense for such a young person. Most of the time, I just suffered through until the pain let up. (I’m realizing now I have a really high pain tolerance) When I did go to the doctor for help, there were never any answers and my bloodwork was always normal (as it is still is now). The doctors would look at me like I was crazy. I was starting to think it was fibromyalgia or some strange psychosomatic nerve pain. We were all wrong. It was undiagnosed pancreatitis…which has become diagnosed metastatic pancreatic cancer at age 33. I am trying to send you a message of hope…there are so many positives still in your situation. If I could have recognized what was wrong sooner maybe I wouldn’t have cancer today. You know what’s the source of your problems. So what I am trying to say to you is, hang on through the suffering. You will get through it and there is help and treatments out there that can help you. It’s a long, exhausting journey of trial and error and finding the right physicians who understand and can help, but they are there. You can do it. You still have your life, your are feeling tortured but for most of you it is not a death sentence. So have hope and perserverance. You will make it through this. My prayers are with you. Janelle
Oh janelle, what a girl you are!
You are so strong and such a good outlook on this whole thing that has been dropped in your lap at such a young age, God gives us this strength that we all have or we would have all given up by now. i just want you to know i pray for you and love your soft spirit, be kind to yourself and do something that makes you smile and enjoy it ! much love to you
God bless you Janelle! I send love and prayers
I think you are so great! I love your words of wisdom.
I do have hope! Sometimes I do get down, wondering why me??? But I then put on my big girl panties and get on with my life~pain,nausea, or whatever. There are days I have to be in bed, but then when things calm, I am up trying again. I remember God is here with me (and you). He is in control and I also know that through all this stuff, I am learning and getting to be stronger in my faith. I am thankful I do know what I am up against. Pancreatitis. That is why I continue to NOT accept this diagnosis as “idiopathic”. I will continue to request tests and what we can do next. I just want to know WHY? Then we can deal with the cause.
I pray for you Janelle. I do see healing for you! This just isn’t over yet. Keep fighting this stupid cancer. My heart goes out to you as a woman~but mostly as a mother. Mommies are made to be strong. (((HUGS))) I wish I could give you a real hug!
What a woman you are! Strong thoughts and positive thinking are what we all need. You lack the “why me” attitude and the “what if I did something earlier” and accept that it is what it is. God smiles on everyone but has a special one for you.
good luck
This might have been exactly what I have needing for so long now. Your strength, courage, and optimism gives me the encouragement to get off of the why me, pity party couch and get to the real task at hand; and that is simply put living. With all that you have been and are currently going through the fact that you can remain so positive gives me and I’m sure others the hope and courage to pick ourselves up and continue on. Thank you so much for sharing with us. From the depths of my heart THANK YOU!
Hugs and prayers,