Hot flashes

To answer the question ‘does anyone get chills?’ YES! I’m hot. I’m cold. I cry. I laugh. It changes throughout the day! I’ve found that if I just give myself over to it I feel much better. Don’t be embarrassed, just look around the room and announce it! It has worked for me :slight_smile:

What does CFS mean ???

If you mean " Change Of Season ". The chills have been going on since June. So it can’t be that.

hi blue i had a friend who had to take a towel with her every where as she had chills along with the hit flushes.

From:  blu
Reply-To:  blu
Subject:  Re: [menopause] HOT FLASHES
Date:  Fri, 07 Sep 2007 08:48:04 -0400
 I thought I was loosing my mind. No I know I'm loosing my mind. Well you know what I mean. I already lost my mind. Or did I? I forgot!!!
   Thank-you for the advice, It's nice not to think something elce is wrong with me and it really is a symptem.
       Take care Blu

hi id stil!l li like  an answer to my question,do the severe symptoms kick in and get worse once youve gone a whole year with out a period. some one told me as time goes on things get worse. i even know of somone who was having periods and going through the menapause at the same time   gosh im worried...sue

From:  MyMusings
Reply-To:  MyMusings
Subject:  Re: [menopause] HOT FLASHES
Date:  Fri, 07 Sep 2007 17:09:04 -0400

If I already wrote this it is the “woozathon” going on in my brain! Others call it “brainfog”. About hotflashes, has anyone seen results with black cohash? I also use progesterone. For the first time in our 21 years of marriage I am hotter than my spouse! LOL!