How do I cope w/ this pain, and live my life normally?

How do I cope w/ this pain, and live my life normally?

With me it’s putting thick curtains to keep out the sun (bright lights hurt me), have an icepack always ready in the freezer, plenty of fish oil and good vitamins to help the inflammation. Really good sunglasses any time you’re outside. You adjust to the pain, and you choose your attitude so keep a sense of humor. When it’s really bad computer games keep my mind off of feeling sorry for myself. Normal is what what you can do now, not necessarily what you used to be able to do.I used to play tennis a lot. I tried it again last year with my 18 (then) year old son. He hit me a shot I was sure was 2 feet away from me and it smashed me right in the chest. Ouch!!! He’s still laughing. At least we are still having fun together.The pain will come and go, but you get used to it, honestly. Life is still good.Sue— On Tue 06/12, iritispain < > wrote:From: iritispain [mailto:]To: silver651@excite.comDate: Tue,
12 Jun 2007 20:03:57 -0400Subject: [iritis] How do I cope w/ this pain, and live my life normally?