How do you handle it?

I am new to the site and was wondering how you handle the social anxiety disorder. It is very difficult for me to get out…when I do go out I must plan my outings for days… I stress about it and amost lose my mind about having to go out… Obviously, it is difficult…

How do you deal with these situations?


i take xanax for times when i need to go out but there are deep breathing exercises you can do and visualizations. i have had social anxiety for three years and it has gotten increasingly worse. you have to force yourself to face these situations or they will continue to have power over you. i am like you about preparing for days about what im going to say or how i will react. i cant even make a phone call to a doctor if i have to leave a message. i started carrying around a tablet so when i need to ask for something i can read it off the list. thats helpful but i think harmful in the long run. sorry i dont have a magic solution to the problem. i guess we will just have to keep trying.

Thanks for the reply…you’re right it is difficult. I will take your tips into consideration…


social anxiety is such a misunderstood disorder. people think you can just snap out of it or say we are blowing things out of proportion. well let them walk a mile in my shoes and then they might understand. no we dont do this to ourselves or want to have this disorder. i would almost be afraid of anything else. thats not to downplay other peoples fears but if your afraid of spiders you can probably still function on the job. if you have social anxiety disorder you might not be able to go to work or suffer greatly at work. i have heard so much about cognitive behavioral therapy but there should be other options out there.if anyone has any information that i dont have, please share it. thank you.