How has involvement in this community affected you?

I am currently doing an sociological research project for an undergraduate course, and one of the focuses for my research is the effect involvement in support communities can have on an EBV sufferer’s quality of life. I am interested in this topic because I, along with a number of my loved ones, suffer from EBV, but I do not personally know anyone who is regularly involved in a formal support community or group such as this one.

How have you been affected by your involvement in this or other support communities? For instance, have you learned helpful tips or gained comfort by hear other’s stories?

Thanks for your response. I hope my finished project will be able to show how people’s social lives are affected by EBV, and how varying the cases really are. That is something I am learning as I conduct interviews. I am taking part in this community and another online forum as well, to try to see the effect of involvement. The other community has little activity as well, which is a shame.

Lindsey, I’m 46 and have EBV. I have yet to find one other person
locally to share experiences in person. I joined this list for its
potential to expand my options … but so far little activity here.
While you you research keep asking what we can do to expand exposure
regarding EBV in adults.
I only found my EBV after years of hard work.

I welcome more questions.

Publishing your results could increase traffic here.


On Mar 12, 2008, at 9:37 PM, lindsey