I’ve had migraines for 25+ years. As I’ve grown older I’ve had to change the way I lived. It started out small…can’t eat certain things. Then I noticed day light was triggering them, so I changed my work hours so I went in early in the am and left before the noon sun. I wear sunglasses or tinted glasses because even office lights are too much. The car windows had to be tinted, heck I had to get a new car because the old one had a squeak somewhere that would send me into tears by the time I got home. At work I put up a cube shield so the lights could be blocked. I can’t go to clubs anymore, not that I really could before. But now I can’t even pretend it doesn’t hurt, the lights and noise are way too much. Sports, games, recitals are all done with pre-emptive medication and prayers. I’ve had trigger block injections, ociptial nerve blocks, 35 botox shots around my head. So much time is spent going to doctors and hoping work won’t get angry just so I can find something to make it stop. Whatever new treatment is out there I’m chasing it, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, sensory deprevation, orthodic insoles, multitude of eye exams, mri & catscans.
I live my life in fear of the next trigger, because it’s not enough to have the migraine. When it gets so bad I need to goto the ER the staff treats me like I’m a druggy looking for my next fix. When all I want is to be put out of my misery.