Hows your husband Ike?

Hi Ike,

Noticed you had wrote in your journal that your husband is in hospital…how is he? and how are you dong with your new med change?. I have come off my anti-d’s and also my Olanzapine…putting on too much weight plus, if I had my old life back I would not be depressed…so no amount of anti-d’s is going to help.
I have still not moved into my ‘new’ house because I was scared of the rats…we have baited traps for 2 months now and not caught any. I have not moved yet, because I am a coward, I am scared I cannot manage and ‘fall to pieces’.
I have to find the strength to move and it does not seem to be coming!
Let me know how your husband is…I hope all is well.

love Anne x

Hi emptysoul,
Thank you for caring. Yes my husband is doing better. He was in the hospital for a week and a half. He was home about 3 weeks, and we moved into a much bigger place so we could take care of my Mom. But my daughter and son-in-law came up from Portland to help move; and one of my fellow work mates also helped us. We went from a three room apartment to a house that has 2 bedrooms up stairs, two-three down stairs as well as a huge utility room. But we made a deal with my brother, and uses Mom’s monies to pay the rent and to get all of her supplies. However, I have two twin sisters that are 16 yrs. younger then, and they do most of the care of mom, because of my health problems. (Fibromyalgia and a number of other physical ailments).
The doc just put me on Lithium and Trazadone. I’m really not sure how they are working, although I don’t cry at the drop of a hat now. He said I was really depressed; and he was concerned that it would go into suicide. I didn’t know that I was THAT depressed. But after three weeks on the Lithium I am beginning to feel better.
Any way, my Husband had a bad case of Colitus, and was quite sick, he had blood in his stools, really large quanities and puking and horrible cramps. He went to the hospital here in Pendleton, and they transported him Kadalac hospital in the tri cities. They were afraid it was his heart since he’d had triple by-pass just 5 years ago and heart attacks off and on with seizures. He got good care in Kadalac and his doctor was very good and knew exactly what she was doing. I was impressed.
Any way, I wish I could help you to overcome your fear of moving. It isn’t an easy thing to do, esp. when it changes your whole life like mine did. But it is do-able! (lol)
Keep in touch! Sorry I hadn’t gotten back to you before now. But I do spend time on the computer but it is for my colledge course that I’m taking. I’m actually pretty busy these days. For a while I think I was “running away from myself” but not now.
Any way, it was very good to hear from you. I have thought of you quite often! Just know that you are loved!