I’m a technology professional, yet I cannot figure out the hugs. How do I view or send a hug? I looked in profiles, messages, everywhere.
I see people sending hugs this was (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) I hope this is right because I have sent hugs this way.
A hug is sent to a user’s email via their profile.
I figured out how to view my hug. Don’t know how I missed it before, but the “hugs” are displayed on my home page, right at the top. I still don’t know how to originate a hug, but at least I see the hugs I receive.
You made me curious, so I thought I’d log in and check out the Help page.
How do I hug someone?
To send someone a hug, you need to visit the PEOPLE tab, and select “Hug (username)”.
You can also hug someone by viewing their “about me” page and clicking the “Hug (username)” link under their profile picture.