Hurt from others.....!

I’m not trying to beat a dead horse but i feel i need to get this out. I am sure by now we all know what happened here in the past few days. We have lost some very valuable people who gave us a lot. There has been a stirring in all our souls that will take a long time to ease. But in others leaving and staying gone the person who added fuel to an already burning blaze is winning. She is getting what she wanted. An uproar in a close nit community. A divorcing of people in need. I for one have realized that i cant let this happen. I wont let this happen. It only lights a bigger fire under my ass to keep this place going and bring new life back onto this place. Bring all it’s people closer and see the true meaning of friends.Friends who stick together no matter what. I agree with some of the decisions of some people to leave. Am i happy with it? No. But i respect their decisions. I don’t want to lose more people because of one person who decided to take their anger and hurt out on others. A very important person is now gone and i see more leaving. I breaks my heart that this one person can make such a stir in a great community. There is no other place out there like careplace. Sure it’s not perfect. It needs some adjustments.With that said we all must remember that careplace is still new and is learning from its own mistakes. We are taught at a young age to forgive others and give them a second chance. Can’t we all give careplace a second chance? Remember no one is perfect. Bring together a diverse group of people from all walks of life is what you get when you when you sing up for a support group. At times it can be very difficult to understand others and their actions. But these people who lash out the most are the ones who often need the most support. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. It was well understood by careplace that it took to long to remove this certain member. Now that they understand that the ground we step on was shaken and our souls stirred up they can change their approach. The only thing to let evil to prevail is for a good man to do nothing.