Hi, all:
First, sorry it’s taking me a while to get back to everyone’s notes and hugs-- You’re all too awesome and help so incredibly much! I’m still having a tough time–and they’re worried because I’m still getting low grade fevers on the IV antibiotics that there still might be an infection in my port. I can’t stand the thought of another admission and more surgery!
Anyway… for months now I keep getting really bad episodes of what I had known as allodynia-- like my nerve endings are outside my skin-- from head to toe-- and I can barely stand any touch (from the water in the shower to my clothes on my body to sitting or lying down-- it’s so incredibly painful I want to scream sometimes-- even with the lightest touch). My sister-in-law (a doc) said that it might, more accurately, be hyperesthesia, and that it’s not uncommon in CP. She described it as “a change in the processing and interpretation of nerve stimulus” and that when you have CP, this can happen because your nerve sensors get messed up and perceive this pain when there’s nothing there to be hurting.
Does anyone else get this? It seems to flare and then calm down and then flare again. It got really bad again today and I thought I’d check if anyone else gets this. If anyone else experiences this, have you found anything that helps the pain or makes it stop? My GI doc is clueless, as is my PCP. That’s so frustrating. There’s info all over the net on this being caused by CP in some cases.
Thanks, as always, for all your help and compassion! Hope you’re all doing okay!
Many hugs,