Hypomania and you

do you ever feel “yourself” without being hypomanic? i’m starting to think that i will never feel “normal” unless i’m manic. anyone feel like they did before cycling while on meds.?

Yes, I used to feel that way most of the time; however, my pdoc kept experimenting with different meds and FINALLY got the right mix to balance me out. I’m on Lamictal 300mg, Prozac 40mg, Trazodone 50mg (work greats for sleep!!), and Xanax as needed. Since I’ve been on this cocktail, I feel balanced and don’t experience the extreme ups and downs. I even have less panic/anxiety attacks, and I’m getting out of the house a lot more. I have more energy (sleeping all night has made a big difference) and less bitchy. I do have an occasional short temper but only when I’m being on the other end of my hubby’s frustrations and anger. He tends to get loud and critical and is in denial that he has any type of mental problem. Oh well… my meds do help ignore it and forget about it quicker.

Perhaps you can ask your pdoc to experiment with your meds to get the right mix. Good luck, and don’t feel like you’re alone. Bipolar is a roller coaster but can be managed (somewhat) when correctly diagnosed and treated properly.