
hi does anyone have up and downs with there hypomanic


All the time… More so if I don’t get enough sleep …and when the seasons change… I do have to say though that I have more trouble with being hyposexual and that leads to nothing but troubleL

Hi yeah i do... wrote poem abt it on the forum. Its the nature of the beast!

Are you on meds? in treatment? Wont stop it so much as help oit i think... new to this myself so? But i wish i got the hyposexual bit? Never did/have/will im afraid???? ARRGH, lol!! My fiance would love it!!


YES, I have a lot of ups and down, but it has gotten a LOT better since I started taking Lamictal and Prozac.  For sure.  Back in December I was ready to quit living!  I cried every day or night.  Hubby and I were at odds all the time.  I felt ugly and fat and downright useless to the world.  I told hubby I felt like I'd be better off dead than to continue going thru this chronic up & down thing.  It was then that he truly began to understand how much pain I was actually in.  Since then, pdoc has mixed me up another med cocktail and I've been drinking it up.  Feeling much better now, except for the lack of sleep.

itty, my hubby wishes I were that way (with him) but because of the anti-depressants I've taken for so long, I just don't have that screaming desire anymore.  I think gaining 10 lbs and feeling ugly doesn't contribute.  I only get hyposexual during the wild manic episodes.  Sad but true.

Oh yes I do or at least did prior to ECT. I was going insane with the constant ups and downs in January, February, and March at which point I had to be hospitalized due to extreme suicidal ideation. I honestly didn't think I was going to make it another day.

I have yet to experience the hyposexual side though. Wouldn't that be nice to cheer up my hubby. LOL

Think you guys will get a kick out of this one…Even though I get hyposexual it doesn’t make my hubby happy in the leastL He hides from me most of the time… Lets just say he’s sooooooooo not into his prime L Guys complain that they aren’t getting any well I’m the one complaining in my houseL

I had my first Hypomanic episode in February,my husband did not complain although when i game back down i suffered severe psychosis which was horrible,i am now in the throws of another episode!!

sorry I wasn’t the man of your dreams,looks like I never even got into your life,thanks for using my computer to leave me out