I love my counseling sessions with Nate. He is the best ever. We talked about how my week went and how I feel like such an idiot & loser for putting up with all of this crap from Jamie & Ashley. Nate told me that many people go through the same things I am going through and even worse chasing after this thing we call LOVE and that it is a very powerful emotion. That I haven’t done anything wrong by still sleeping with Jamie and trying to make things work. But that I have been led to believe that Jamie was sincere about being with me and loving me but right now he is just selfish and everything revolves around him. That this is not how a person who loves me would treat me. That a person who respects me would not hurt me this way.
He said that he could tell I was doing better despite the steps backwords I had taken in the past few days.
He told me not to beat myself up over the mistakes I have made with Jamie and how I have been acting and to just learn from them. He also told me that Ashley is just a mean spirited brat and that she is only egging me on because she still thinks she is in Jr. High but that she is also getting lied to by Jamie. I told him about how she was making fun of me for crying over Jamie and he said that I have every right to be sad & cry because I am going through a mourning period over our relationship & how he has treated me. That being confronted with Ashley and seeing through the lies that Jamie has told me about her is every reason to be angry and upset.
We went over my list of reasons why I don’t let jamie go and he said I have very valid reasons why I have hung on for so long. So my homework assignment this week is to:
Define the characteristics of LOVE. What is means to me and how a relationship based in LOVE should be.
Define the mistakes that I have made in my relationship with Jamie.
Luckily I only have to wait until Wednesday to see Nate again. So I have something to really look forward to.