my son is 6 yrs old and in the 1st gr.
he has been diagnosed add/adhd, odd, and has a small form of tourettes.
he sees a child psych, neurologist, and a family behavioral couseler.
he is currently taking clonidine, and focolin. for the most part helps, but also w/in an hour or so of him taking the clonidine he gets very aggitated, irritable, sleepy and w/drawn.
he also has terrible mood swings. he hits me, throws stuff at me, spits at me. he says things to me like: “I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO U,” “UR NOT MY BOSS,” “I CAN DO WHAT I WANT,” "tells me his gonna stab me, (then comes at me holding the handle of his tooth brush like a knife, and jabs it in my back). "kiss his butt. calls me names like, " f**ker, idiot…and on and on.
i dont know what to do anymore! im at my whits end, and i cant take it. im TRYIN to b strong for him, myself, and the whole family. i have been put on xanax just to b able to deal w/his moods and him in general. bcoz i cant b blowin up at him, and tryin to teach him that what he does and says r just wrong. i CANT get through to him. he thinks that he is the alpa~male. im teetering between spanking his butt, or being consistant and following through. IM SOOO CONFUSED. he is MY child, i just CANT give up on him! but i dont know what to do anymore. HE JUST DONT CARE! he has no human compassion for others feelings, he DONT care about responsibility or consequences. HE DONT. what do i do?
PLEASE HELP ANYONE…HELP ME GET THROUGH THIS. no one else is helping. im a few fingertips away from emailin “super nanny,” or “dr. phil.” NO JOKE.