I dont know what to do anymore?

my son is 6 yrs old and in the 1st gr.
he has been diagnosed add/adhd, odd, and has a small form of tourettes.
he sees a child psych, neurologist, and a family behavioral couseler.
he is currently taking clonidine, and focolin. for the most part helps, but also w/in an hour or so of him taking the clonidine he gets very aggitated, irritable, sleepy and w/drawn.
he also has terrible mood swings. he hits me, throws stuff at me, spits at me. he says things to me like: “I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO U,” “UR NOT MY BOSS,” “I CAN DO WHAT I WANT,” "tells me his gonna stab me, (then comes at me holding the handle of his tooth brush like a knife, and jabs it in my back). "kiss his butt. calls me names like, " f**ker, idiot…and on and on.

i dont know what to do anymore! im at my whits end, and i cant take it. im TRYIN to b strong for him, myself, and the whole family. i have been put on xanax just to b able to deal w/his moods and him in general. bcoz i cant b blowin up at him, and tryin to teach him that what he does and says r just wrong. i CANT get through to him. he thinks that he is the alpa~male. im teetering between spanking his butt, or being consistant and following through. IM SOOO CONFUSED. he is MY child, i just CANT give up on him! but i dont know what to do anymore. HE JUST DONT CARE! he has no human compassion for others feelings, he DONT care about responsibility or consequences. HE DONT. what do i do?

PLEASE HELP ANYONE…HELP ME GET THROUGH THIS. no one else is helping. im a few fingertips away from emailin “super nanny,” or “dr. phil.” NO JOKE.

My son is 9 yrs old, and sounds alot like yours. He has only been diagnosed with ODD though. Let me know if you actually e-mail one of them. At one point I wrote a letter to Dr. Phil, but I never could get myself to mail it. It would be nice to have support. People in my family don’t like him or understand him. It’s hard because I don’t understand him.

kat odd-cpt6148@lists.careplace.com wrote:

Hi Kat,

I am so sorry for what you are going through. Unfortunately, I only have my prayers to offer to you as we are going through a similar situation.

My son is 5 and has been diagnosed with Asperger’s, ODD, impulse control disorder, separation anxiety disorder, sensory processing dysfunction, mood disorder nos.
My son always says “I’m not your servant, you tell me what to do all the time”, spits at us, I’ve gotten hit countless number of times, etc. There is suspected depression/bipolar by the child psych is not sure yet.

He was in a classroom for kindergarten with other children. They have since taken him out and are trying to complete his child study eval. Have you had your son evaluated??

They are thinking (with our permission) of putting him in a therapeutic program out of district for children with personal/social/emotional difficulties. Does your school district have anything like that?

I’m sorry I don’t have more help for you. Just know that you are not alone.


kat odd-cpt6148@lists.careplace.com wrote:

I have had him evaluated by a therapist and by his physician. He has an evaluation for a program at the public school for a pre-school for children with suspected learning or behaviorial disabilities. His Therapist says he has Odd and Adhd. She wants to medicate him for the Adhd, but i have seen from my daughter’s medication…the payoff is small compared to the side effects. It is like i am the one running my head into a wall. He is an angel in some situations but school seems to be the point where he decides he does not want to. We are working on several things to modify his behavior and the family as a whole. I wish you much luck with your son. This disorder is like nothing i have ever imagined… the stress and feeling of helplessness is overwhelming most of the times. But we have to be strong and keep fighting for our kids. Thank you so much for your words and advice

paltrace odd-cpt6148@lists.careplace.com wrote:

Hi Im new and joined because Im at my wits end too, my 4yo has broken windows and tried to stab me, hit me with saucepans etc. He has autism and ODD - his IQ is high and he cant go to special school here in Aus they only have them there if the IQ is less than 80 and his is nearly 130. I have been put on antidepressants too, sometimes I just sit and shake with anxiety, every day I get bad reports from kinder and I am hoping school will have him - as if I have to educate him at home it WILL break up our family. I have all cutlery and food locked up, saftey glass installed in the windows and we are broke from making our house ‘safer’. I dread every day he gets older, stronger etc. My husband works overseas and I act as a sole parent to boot. We are under a neuropsyc a psyc, I have my own psyc and we use occupational therapy for sensory issues. BUT something that has made it better is diet - its VERY hard tho but check out peacanbread.com, we have locks on the pantry but the diet helps somewhat. BE WARNED it gets worse before it gets better tho. AND you need to make sure they are on the right supplements too, so seek prof advice as every kid is so different. It is better not over, and the battle continues.

My 5 year old was diagnosted with ODD and possible ADD. I have had some luck with a discipline program called One, Two, Three Magic. It was recommened by my pediatrician and used in my son’s school. I hope it helps you.