I have questions

Hello everyone …
I just wanted to know has anyone had a porta cath and if so has it been removed? Do you have a burning and tearing pain in the surgical area?
Mine was removed a few months ago and for the last few weeks has been causing bad pain.
Any info would be appreciated.
Take care

Hi Robin, have to be honest with you don’t even know what one is. But, pain does not sound good, I think you should go to doc and rule out infection.
Take care…oxoxoxomimi

what is a porta cath?

Hi Robin,

Hi everyone, this is a port-a cath:


I have worked with port-a-caths, but not so much after they have been removed.
I would take your temp, make sure it is not elevated, is it red around the area?
Definitly call the doc who removed it, and ask his/her advice.You need to go in and be seen, make sure there is not an infection or a hematoma that has developed ( They will not be able to tell this over the phone… they need to examine you)

How are you feeling? Why did the doc’s remove it? You know me… 20 questions… :)… AND are you going to Mayo??? PLEASE!!! WITH SUGAR ON TOP!!! Thinking of you Robin, Love Kari

Thank you for replying…also Thank You Kari for explaining the cath to others, I just assumed ( which I know is not good to do)that others had them too ( ports that is). It was removed because it clotted
I was very lucky that it lasted for the 2 1/2 years.
It was my source for blood work, tpn, hydration, pain pump…it was my buddy. I did have the option of replacement but I chose not to…blah blah blah…anyways,Kari no I do not have any fever. It was removed a few months ago so it is closed…can it still get infected?
The scar area is red but not oozing…it is not a constant pain, it is periodic about every hour or so or if I move my arm a certain way or turn my head…it will burn then feel like a tearing type pain that last about 10- 20 secs ( not that I have timed it).
I did call the surgeon and he called me back and said if it is still this way after a few more weeks to call him, or if it gets worse.

As for Mayo, I have not made any plans yet but I have been checking into things. I have had a bad week or so of pain and nausea ( more than usual) which has been a good thing because it has been motivating me to find someone to go to.
Okay, sorry I tried not to make this into a long story but as usual I am chatty…lol.
Are you preparing for your trip Kari?

Take care.

I have one of those, duh, I wasnt thinking. Obviously. I guess I wasnt thinking because no one else had discussed having cancer. I have mine because I had cancer. I am getting mine removed next month.

GG …
That was pretty funny… Has your port been painful to you?
Mine was painful almost the entire time I had it but what a lifesaver it was.

Take care,

My port was a little uncomfortable a couple of times but it never really hurt. I never really had any trouble with it. My oncologist wanted me to get rid of it anyway. I have been cancer free for 2 1/2 years.
Did you have cancer? why did you have a port?

Hi Robin, did you get me e-mail with Anne’s e-mail address? Hope so!


I too have FMD and have stents in both renal arteries. I was touched by your letter and prayed for your sister immediately after reading your post. Please pray for my friend Marilyn who has cancer and just finished chemo and radiation. She was so ill from the treatment and totally unable to take care of herself and her 13yr old son. She has had terrible pain. Her prognosis is still unknown.
When I start to worry about the what ifs of my FMD I try to stop and think how many people are so much worse off than me. My eyes were opened to that while taking her for her treatments.
God Bless Sincerely, Jeanmarie

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My sister just had her second round of chemo and her
port never hurt her either. My neighbor has a port and
the only time it hurts is when they change the port. I
would think that if your port hurts that you should
have it fixed or moved to somewhere else that is more
My sister just had her last round of chemo and has
been fighting cancer for over two years now. The
doctor won’t say that she is cancer free but he did
say that he is doing everything possible to save her
life. She trusts him and that is what is important.
The chemo is causing havoc with her diabetes and is
shutting down her kidneys. I get to feeling sorry for
myself then think about all of her problems. She
doesn’t have FMD but she may have EDS but won’t get
checked out for that. She has too much on her plate
all ready and I understand that. If you can please
keep her in your thoughts. Her name is Diana and she
is a wonderful woman. I love her very much and am not
ready to loose her.
— GG fmd-cpt6669@lists.careplace.com wrote:

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My port was a little uncomfortable a couple of times
but it never really hurt. I never really had any
trouble with it. My oncologist wanted me to get rid
of it anyway. I have been cancer free for 2 1/2
Did you have cancer? why did you have a port?

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Good Morning everyone…

GG, I am so glad you are now cancer free. No I do not have cancer, I had my port because I am in the hospital so often ( not as much anymore) and they would have to do central lines because of my veins being so bad so they finally put in a port because I needed tpn and pain pump.

Beth…hello and thank you for replying. I no longer have my port, but the area is very painful it has been a few months and so I am not sure why it hurts so much. Anyway I will not whine anymore about this.
Of course I will keep your sister in my prayers daily, she sounds like she is a fighter to have survived so long with it. May I ask where her cancer is/was?
You are so right about what you said of thinking about people who are much worse off. I get to having a pity party and sometimes it takes me seeing someone else who is not as lucky as I am to bring it all back into perspective. GOD Bless you and Diana.

Jeanmarie…I will absolutely be praying for your friend too…my moms name was Marilyn and she too had to fight her battle with cancer ( that was 20 yrs ago)…now it seems they have come much further with cancer treatments and longer life span. GOD Bless you and Marilyn.


you and your sister are in my thoughts!

thank you mimi
— onekidneygal fmd-cpt6669@lists.careplace.com

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you and your sister are in my thoughts!

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Hi Robin, Heard about you from Mimi! I have never had a porta cath, but have had a pic line. Pic line was infected from the onset but due to the fact that I was on significant antibiotics they did not take it out and within about a week the infection went away. It was very painful when infected.

I don’t think I would wait a couple more weeks before I had it seen if I was you. If it is infected it could be causing the pain, and the sooner it is treated the better. Look forward to hearing from you.