IC foods

It seems IC recipes I’ve looked at often include foods I’ve been instructed by my doctor to stay clear of- i.e. apples, honey. I was just diagnosed this spring. It doesn’t seem that many foods make a difference in my symptoms. I’m always just leaking. No pain ever. Any suggestions?

good evening,sorry its taken me long to respond but I was working all day. did your dr put you on any medicines for ic.? all i can say is just watch the amount you eat of the foods. do you have any info on ic? like phamplets and etc. I have started to cook more w/ garlic and staying away from the spicy seasonings. just let me know if you have anymore questions… I just eat little of what I am not suppose to eat… have you found out what causes your ic to flare up/lizbeth> Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 12:45:53 -0400> To: eabracewell@hotmail.com> From: interstitial-cystitis-cpt5073@lists.careplace.com> Subject: [interstitial-cystitis] IC foods> >