Thank you in advance for listening…
My mom is currently in a physical therapy rehab facility due to a series of strokes, 2 major and a series of mini ones. No one knows for sure how many mini ones she has had.She can talk without much slurring, which is a big improvement.
To back up a bit: She graduated in February to an assisted living apartment.Hubby and his best friend moved her in, and my friend and I straightened up her apartment for her. I bought most of her things out of my own pocket except for her furniture.She got 3 meals a day and a snack, all her laundry done, and staff was in the building 24/7 in case she needed anything.They even handed out meds to the residents.
Well,Mom didn’t like the rules, which mainly was to go down to the dining room on time for meals and keep her apartment straightened up.Someone was in once a week to do light housekeeping, and she was given a shower 4 times a week.For the first few months,I was at her beck and call-my fault I know.My visits dwindled to once every week and a half to 2 weeks, because frankly I couldn’t take her demands.I called her a few times a week to make sure she was ok and stuff.I kept in touch with Donna ,the head of nursing, who my mom despises.My mom decided to fake 3 falls-yes they WERE faked and they pretty much have proof.We all think she’s trying to get back in the nursing home because she was pampered there and waited on hand and foot. See, all the nurses loved her and would give her special treatment.
Now she called me a few days ago from rehab(she got my machine),demanding some clothes from her apartment and some candy.I just called her a little while ago.I haven’t been to see her since she went to the rehab center.I needed some time to cool off, and then I explained to her that I was sick with a cold all this past week.
She stayed on the phone about a minute and a half saying she had to go to the bathroom.Do I believe her?Maybe.
I’m just feeling used and taken for granted right now. She again demanded some clothes and candy.I don’t have money to put gas in my car, let alone trudge to her place and go to store for her.She really doesn’t care.I could walk to the place to see her if I had to, but why should I when I’m going to have demands put on me that in the long run are going to make me feel useless and guilty.She started to get some counseling since the nurse Donna thinks my mom has some psych issues, but her insurance wouldn’t cover it,I couldn’t pay the $27.00 co-payments myself, and then she went into rehab.I can’t even talk to the nurses about my mom’s care-they need her permission and she keeps avoiding the subject.I have power of attorney over medical, but I was told that’s it’s only if she’s mentally incapacitated. UGH!!!
At least today we’re actually going out as a family,using hubby’s car which has gas-lol.This is a rare thing for us.I’m going to have a good time and try and put these negative feelings behind me.
My gods I wrote a book.I’m sorry for that,and I thank you all for listening and caring about my feelings.
Huggs and thanks again,