If you could rename Diabetes Insipidus?

We all know about the confusion between the “other” Diabetes… If we could pick a new name, what would you choose?? Something to think about!!

Ive wondered about that question.It would have to be somthing like…Aquaholic with tinkling tendincies. lol poster child… me sitting on toilet peeing swigging a gallon of water hahaha.

I would like to name it as ‘Insipidus’, without the word Diabetes. It’s already known in the medical industry. I’d be touched if the world would recognise Insipidus Day just like Epilepsy Day which falls yesterday, 22.06.08. Perhaps DiF can make it happen one day.

The only problem with re-naming it “Insipidus” is that confusion might arise with the adjective “insipid”.

Insipid: 1. without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: an insipid personality.
2. without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland: a rather insipid soup.