Im feeling numb

I cant believe this… after being reassured that my disability claim would be fine going throu as it was checked and noted what my CFS specialist had said about my lack of ability to work… today I got a letter saying its been rejected.

I feel like Im in shock, Im so dumbfounded, I feel numb. I didnt even get to see the person who was meant to assess me as they rejected it without sending me even to see that person. That is the one I was meant to present all the medical evidence too. How can they do that?

What on earth are I going to do… Ive been told Im going to be cut off my other benefit as Ive said I cant work fulltime… and now with the disability rejected. :frowning: .

I cant even figure out how they can reject it all filled in by my specialist without even seeing me at all??? It makes me wonder if it was rejected just on the grounds that maybe the one who was meant to do the assessment… maybe that one dont believe in CFS at all??? I just cant figure this out and dont have a clue what Im going to do. I can appeal this but how are I going to live in the meantime while this appeal is going on???

All this is already starting to bring my CFS symptoms in… I only saw the rejection an hr ago and already now have developed a sore throat and chest pain due to this.