When every things go good for me I some how screw them up again.Money is my issue.Always has been.Bad money management.Its no secret.Ask any one I know and they'll say"yep she sucks at it"I stopped drinking stopped useing and just doing the next right thing.Get his I even have a job now.But I cant pay my bills this month.What do i do?My old man know I dont bring in a lot and still I try to cover all my bills.Now that I cant I just feel like a failer.I have to tell him and he will be mad.However he is sitting on a huge tax refund.He gat to clain all my kids and I've seen nothing.Not that Im, asking for much.But me telling him he needs to help me so I can make bills is just gonna set off a major shit storm.Money has always led me to drink.It is a comforting feel to know Im sober now but will I be by 6 pm when he gets home.Maybe this is me just panicing but I cant even call my sponse.What the fuck.Im so scard