In Person Support groups?

anyone ever been to a dbsa support group for depression or anxiety or bipolar disorder? I NEED want to connect with people who will understand about this bipolar crap. People who get it.

info about any support groups you attended would be great – i don’t mean “pity parties.” i mean places where real life problems are discussed and ways to cope with the disorder are discussed.


The only support groups that I know about are the ones that are through NAMI, Christine. My sister goes to a SAMI group, (Substance Abuse and Mental Illness) for her bipolar disorder and recovering alcoholism and it helps her tremendously. You can contact NAMI in your area and possibly get hooked up with a group. Good luck…

i’ve been to the one in akron. i’m really not much for group sharing and all that, but it was nice to be around people who understand what it’s like to be depressed and/or bipolar. some people had some really good suggestions on how to cope with the crazy mood swings i have.
i’d definitely give it a try. what can it hurt, right?
i wish you lots of luck!