Hi everyone,
I just wanted to send a note to say that I am in the hospital as of last Thursday afternoon. Thursday morning I got a call from a guy in my workplace FASAP office and he wanted me to consider going on medical leave. Turns out this wasn’t a request, and then I felt about 100 times more trapped than I already had, so…long story short – I’m in the hospital, and I’ve agreed to start ECT this morning. It was that or jump off my parking garage, which I’m quite sure isn’t high enough. So…
I’ll try to post again every so often. There is a computer here, plus they let us bring in our own laptops, so hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have mine here. In any case, thank you all so much for all of your thoughts, prayers, hugs and messages. I hope none of you were too worried not to hear from me for a few days, so I’m sorry about that, but I haven’t really been able to do much of anything since I’ve been here (although the drugs are nice, when they work).
Many (((((((HUGS))))))) to all,