I was wondering if anyone else got sick a few day to a week after a bad flare-up? It seems like each time I have to go to the hospital after a flare-up I come down with something when I get home.
This time I had pus coming out of both of the IV sites they put in the crook of my elbow and phlebitis in my right arm (phlebitis is an inflammation in a vein or blood vessel that causes the vessel to get hard, hot and painful to touch) I saw my doctor this past Wednesday and she said that she didn’t want to put me on antibiotics because she was afraid it might make my stomach upset or make my pancreas “cranky”.
Then two days ago I started with a sore throat, congestion, cough…you know the rest. I was really starting to get my strength back until this morning. I was supposed to sing at church this morning and I sounded like a cross between Janis Joplin and Tom Waits. I also looked like a cross between the two. Not pretty.
If anyone else goes through with this and can offer any helpful hints on how to ward off infections, I would so appreciate it.
Love and Hugs to all,