Internet Pain Management

Hi there guys, I have been reading most posts for some time now. I need some advise. I have cervical radiculopathy that has degenerated over the last four years to the point of dysfuntion. I am the only breadwinner for my family to include my husband and two disabled children, my husband is also on permanent disabilty, He has lumbar radiculopathy and cannot take pain meds as he is a recently proclaimed addict.
My point here is that my pain has been out of control on numerous occasions as i deal with HMOs and they suck big time and make you wait things out and tell you to use "ER for pain relief so you just lose two days of your life drugged out and can’t work to feed your family. During the chronic pain i am dealing with 2 pregnancies a disabled husband and people telling me to abort the babies. WELL , I have had epidurals in the neck , in the facets under flouroscopy, and recently trigger point injectioins for the myofacial pain then on to nerve blocks for diagnostics then on to the real thing the neuroablation otherwise known as RF on the neck. Not so much fun to have needles in your neck while you are awake but they say consciously sedated!!!
I am glad though that I am not as bad as those of you out there because I can still work and I can still walk but my heart goes out to those of you in those situations.
I was on NORCO 10/325 3-4xs a day for two years. I don’t think that is too much in my opinion and it only dropped my pain level to a daily 5-6 for these years, i just dealt with it but any mother will tell you after having kids it isn’t so easy to deal with anymore. I ended up with severe carpal tunnel just had surgery on the left and trying to care for a six month disabled baby. Not very easy. Almost put myself in a hospital a few times but I must be a survivor because i keep chugging along…lol…
I got pregnant the second time and they stopped all narcotics saying it would harm the baby , the idiots…no proof of birth defects and benefit versus risk , hello…so i go four months crying daily on the couch with no meds went into some withdrawals at beginning and was told it could have cause a miscarriage. Took hmo another month to find me a pain center/perinatologist that woudl prescribe me the same meds. so then i am somwhat better and my pills start to dissappear. I admitted i felt they were stolen and they just gave me more. the second time it happened they stopped allllll pills to me…there were over 40 pills missing after a refill. I suspected my husband but I was in denial. I was placed on a fentanyl patch until the baby was born which caused her to have some withdrawals but not her disability (who knows if the pain felt thru me went to her neurological development because her disability is neural based.
So NO ONE will dispense any pain meds to me. My pain was at 5-9 daily and they kindly lol gave me ultram ER…what a joke. i had the RF and the pain was almost gone for 1 1/2 months!!! Joy Joy…then immediately back. Boy it hurts typing all of this. Husband finallly admits took all my pilss when i needed them while pregnant etc causing me to end up in hospital on Fentanyl which is stronger for baby. NOt one doctor will prescribe for me as long as he is in the house., I need a referral to online pharmacies/doctors that are reputable. I have told the doctors this is what I am going to do and I am NOT doctor shopping. I cannot think or work like this. So any ideas where to go to?? I found one charging an consult fee of 109 then will prescribe then need further medical records to refill. ARe these places legit???

Any help is appreciated. I am so sick of being called an addict also by my family for taking pills while pregnant. Take an aspirin my mother and primary said…Thanks



I am soooo sorry to hear of your issues regarding your condition! GOD BLESS
YOU is all I know to say!
Poor dear-I have an L4-5 ruptured disk in my back(lower) and have put on
quite a bit of weight since it
happened(1998) and am affected by this everyday! Chronic pain is a TOTAL
BITCH so I can definitely sympathize with you sweetie! As well as your other
issues…mmmhhh seems we can’t trust ANYONE these days! I wish you the ULTIMATE
BEST dear.


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I am Petlover from the Chronicpain forum(site). Today is Friday(6-15-07) and
I just tried to post something on your site(for the 1st time) and I forgot
my password/log in info. I know my username is petlover BUT forgot password!
Can you please help? Your looks like a GREAT website! Thanks.

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hi Kathy2…

You do indeed have your plate as full as it can get. I am always shockd when I hear of family members or friends who take advantage of a disabled woman by stealing her drugs. Perhaps I am overstepping my bounds but have you guys tried counseling? Stress is a horrible silent killer and when we who are battling chronic pain have to deal with stress from people who “love” us it’s too much to expect you to bear.

I had an interbody fusion and the addition of stabilizing hardware at L4/L5 last December. I have since learned that I have instability in my entire spine and severe stenosis at C5/C6 and some other problem at C6/C7. I have pain all the time because all my vertebrea have a tendency to slip forward and in doing so they create more pain.

But the surgery helped the pain at the lumbar area, and it sounds to me like surgery is in your future on your neck. But to have the surgery and be able to heal well, you needs people around you who can focus on you, and a peaceful environment to heal. It’s hard when you are a Mom, and the only breadwinner to stop and focus only on yourself. It’s harder still to make the decision that you need to put yourself into an environment where you can really deal with your health issues. No one wants permanent nerve damage from not being able to get the medical care that you need. I guess that I feel that we have to be advocates for ourselves, as well as other people here. God Bless you in your struggle to sort out everything…and always remember that here you have a family that will not judge you, get mad at you or expect you to do anything that is really just too much!! We will always be here if you need us. regards, Another Christina!

Kathy2, go to
this will change your life.

On 6/15/07, Kathy2 wrote:

Hi Mis, thanks for your reply!!! I tell my hubby everything and he didn’t like the email but oh well, said he is embarassed and I told him that is the price he pays. So I have an HMO and I know they will call the new pain doctor and tell him what they think. How do I handle that??? I am actually about to leave pain management because they have done their best and I just had my last set of burning of the nerves. IF this doesn’t work they said I am on my way to the neuro surgeon who I saw before this already and he suggested surgery if facets, etc didn’t work. But i hurt like hell and am falling behind in work again…help…

From: Mis
Date: 2007/06/20 Wed AM 01:21:08 CDT
Subject: Re: [chronicpain] Internet Pain Management

pain is always their and it is hard to explain . Never done anything yet to
check whats in the market

From: Kathy2
Subject: Re: [chronicpain] Internet Pain Management
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 02:47:33 -0400


Gosh, I don’t know…What do you think will be the problem? The HMO will say something bad about you or they will say that you shouldn’t be perscribed any pain medicine??? Wow, I don’t know what to say…I think that you should just absolutley, straight-up tell your new doctor or the one you already have—tell him the truth about everything and your feelings and now how you have to suffer…Tell him that you will do whatever necessary for them to know that your husband is not going to be taking your medicine…I really don’t know what to say…That’s horrible…now you have to live in pain because of this. I know that doctors have to be very careful and take extreme caution when somebody might possibly be at risk of being or becoming addicted to any medicine…it does happen a lot of the time…I have watched so many programs on TV where an athlete had an injury and then unfortuantely, they had become addicted to the medicine. That’s horrible for everyone involved, but then- what’s worse- is that it makes the people who are in true need of pain medicine- not be able to get it when they really need it…
I think that you should just tell your current doctor the whole story. I feel so bad for you. I know that this does happen to people and they look as though they do have a problem, but in fact, they don’t. My friend’s brother had 9 teeth removed at one time and the dentist refused to give him any pain medicine…and he just simply said- "I have been sued and I will not take any more risks. I do not perscribe pain meds period."
I couldn’t believe that…I thought, well, this dentist should have at least told my friends brother this before he pulled 9 of his teeth out, but he didn’t.
Maybe you should call your insurance company yourself and get to the bottom of what is in their records…I would tell them that you are concerned and feel that there may be something in your records that has a negative impact on you being able to get this helpp…ask them for a referral to a good pain management doctor and if there is a problem- they should tell you right then…You have a right to all of your records…Get them and see what it is that is causing this problem and then truly discuss it with your doctor
I hope that can help somehow. I feel bad for you. I feel bad that your family—everyone is affected by this. It does sound like your husband is sorry…And he is willing to tell the truth so just pray that you can find some relief soon.

I never could understand why people have to SWEAR .leave me alon

From: Kathy2
Subject: Re: [chronicpain] Internet Pain Management
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 02:47:33 -0400

I never could understand why people have to SWEAR .leave me alon

From: Kathy2
Subject: Re: [chronicpain] Internet Pain Management
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 02:47:33 -0400

I am writing again to tell you I don’t understand WHY I haven’t been able to
post anything at your site?! I have gotten lots of emails regarding back
issues/people dealing with the pain,etc. BUT I was ALSO curious about the forum
where they discuss Diabetes(I am insulin dependant) and it’s sooo ODD the
issues I’ve been having as far as trying to post at certain
websites on the net. DO YOU KNIOW WHY THIS COULD BE…when I tried to look
people on your site discussing Diabetes, I got an email back from your site
that said “YOU
to be rude or anything BUT if I wanted to do that I AM FULLY AWARE THAT I
COULD. The whole point of me turning to your forum was so I could do it
online(since besides,etc.
I don’t go out all that much anymore)! Can you PLEASE send me an email
explaining this to me because I’m VERY CONFUSED ABOUT THIS! Thanks.

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I don't understand what the doctors are worried about.  If a person is going to need pain relief for the rest of his or her life, and plan on using and addictive pain medication, SO WHAT?  At least the pain will be relieved to some extent.  Pain is a debilitating symptom, just as seizures or pulmonary disease.  If a person with epilepsy became addicted to Dilantin, and the symptoms were well-controlled, would it make a difference if that person was addicted to the medication?  If a person becomes dependent on supplemental oxygen, should it be discontinued to prevent addiction?  But those are just my thoughts.


In Tallahassee, there is a program called F. A. C. T., and don't ask me what the acronym stands for, but the program sends nurses out patients homes to administer medication to those who for some reason cannot manage their own med regimen.  Sometimes this occurs because a family member is addicted, and pain medication cannot be left in the home.  You might want to see if a similar program exists in your community.


Have you ever talked to your doctor about intrathecal drug delivery?  Just a thought.

 Don't give up!  New medications and technologies appear daily.

Hi Kathy2, my name is Dee, and I am very sorry to hear of the troubles you are having. Pain is such a devastating disease, we see it, some doctors, see it, even News Week had it in an article early June, many articles I have read how pain should be treated like a disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, etc…Look how long it took to have Chronic Fatigue labeled and it still has it’s draw backs to diagnosing it. Anyway, I have been through 11 lower back surgery;s, 3 fusions, one repaired, once where a hole leaked in my spinal canal causing debilitating headaches, and so forth. I also have degentertive disc disease, and currently have a herniated disc at level C-5/C-6, a buldging disc in my thoracic region, and detiororating disc at L-3 and now a cyst on the sciatic nerve root where I have a tremendous amount of scar tissue from all the surgery’s. My inital injury was from a minor car accident, I was a paramedic for 25 years and this really minor rear ender, permently disabled me. I tell you all this not for sympathy but to let you know I may not understand all your problems but I think I can understand the pain and troubles that go along with it. I was on oxycontin for over 2 years and am now opoid tolerant. I am on Dilaudid slow release which helps but I also suffer from stomcah issuses and when hospitalized, even when my pain management doc comes in to see me and orders dilaudid, the floor nurses withhold it, saying lets try oxycodone first. I find the emergency rooms are more understanding when I am up front with tem about being a chronic pain patient, and they seem up to date on treatment of such, but floor nurses seem to need more education, as by the time they had decided to give me what was prescribed, I was begining to feel withdrawal efects. All frustration, isn’t it. If I find any resources I will surely pass them to you, know you are in my thoughts nad prayers, write anytime, dee

Hi I didn’t feel good yesterday so that why you didn’t hear from me. My
brother and Sister re on my backs for costing my brother money to support me and
I can’t get him to put my house in his name so If I should die he get it. I
know have seziures. I am a borderline diabetic but the Doctor say my
neuropathic pain is not from that or from shingles so the only thing left is sezires
and I on Dilantin and Neurotin and Wellbutrin and lexapro and Ativan so she
check my blood for Vitiamin definency because I don’t eat a lot of times
because of the pain. I also since Feb 2 when I had a grand mal seziree I started
having a lot of pain in my lower back I will add you to my friend list this
evening I have to go to my first yoga class then have physcial therapy then go
to my first committee meeting for Paratransit It for disable people to get
rides for $2 each way to go to Doctor and shopping I go to so many Doctors that
all I can use it for because you only get 8 ticket a month. Put we have a
taxi voucher also for $12 we pay $2 then anything over $12 we pay.

Cathy and Ziggy

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Hi I just came back from my first yoga/physical therapy session. She
starting me on yoga today was my first class I did good but she says what and see
how I feel tomorrow. I have neck problems too. They wanted to have me go to a
neurosurgeon. I have bone spurs between C3-C4 C5-C6. I was in the hospital
for 1 week in Feb 2- 9. I had a grand mal seizure. Then my hole life turn to
nothing but pain. I didn’t go to the neurosurgeon yet because it doesn’t feel
write. My symptoms are not motor related. There burning pin and needles skin
related. The cold weather hurt. I couldn’t leave the house because I couldn’t
wear a jacket nor sweat pants. I unable to drive so I have to take Para
transit and they give one hour open stop to [pick you up so a lot of time I get to
my appointment early then they see me and I end up waiting 1 1/2 to 2 hours
because I have to estimate how long I will be at the Doctors. That the only
thing I do is go to Physical therapy Doctor and to the grocery and Walgreen to
pick up prescription. I used up by Taxi voucher already I only have 12 and I
got them in April. With physical therapy the go month to month so when my
last one the they schedule me within a few days and it take 1 week notice to
get to the Fremont Paratranit. The good one they pick you up on time or early
by 15 minutes but then you only have 5 minutes to wait even if they come
early. They even call me and tell the driver on it way 30 minutes early.

Most of my pain has to do with neuropathic. While your nerve from I don’t
know yet they are still doing test because I already taking every medication
available and I am on Avinza (moorhen extend release) My pill is a capsule and
I open one and it got very little powder in it. No wonder I still feel pain.
I on Patience Assistance Program with 7 didn’t manufacturers because I don’t
have Medicare Plan D. I am low income due to Disability. And It back fired on
me because I ended up on Lidoderm patches 5 cost $34 or $187 for 30 per
month on top of my Morphine $95,some $36 Dilantin $36 and Ativan $45. So I got
burned I on Rozerem for sleep and I didn’t get on the program until June I been
trying since December. They either didn’t get the application or it not
filled out right. I don’t know what is wrong with my Doctor office. I thought
maybe they were working part time the nurses because the answering machine is
on. But they say no. She has 2 nurses. I don’t understand like the Lidoderm
patch all my Doctor had to do was to sign it and put her License number and
write the prescription I had the envelope already made out with a stamp and it
been 4 week and they not gotten my application. So I had to download one and
send to my Doctor office who on Vacation until the 5. But I hoping the nurse
has a copy of the last application and will fax it.

Cathy and Ziggy

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Live with it.
There’s nothing that works.
Oh sure, you can try at your expense and by making others richer but it the
end you will still have it.
You can make it go away. If you want to take pills that make you float
while they tear up your liver.
Surgery. Okay, go for it. But I don’t want to wear a diaper for the rest of
my life.
Some people are bald, some have bad backs. That’s the way it goes.

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Everyone has something that is wrong with them no one is perfect. Also
everyone get pain. My roommate walking around with a sore tooth that keeps him up
all night. As far as bad backs carpal tunnel. Someone you know has it
Diabetic and Cholesterol. I sure that if everyone would get a blood test they have
Cholesterol. Diet in a way in a pain.

Cathy and Ziggy

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My name is Cathy52. 52 is my age and I live in Norhern California. San
Francisco bay area.

Cathy and Ziggy

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