Hi there guys, I have been reading most posts for some time now. I need some advise. I have cervical radiculopathy that has degenerated over the last four years to the point of dysfuntion. I am the only breadwinner for my family to include my husband and two disabled children, my husband is also on permanent disabilty, He has lumbar radiculopathy and cannot take pain meds as he is a recently proclaimed addict.
My point here is that my pain has been out of control on numerous occasions as i deal with HMOs and they suck big time and make you wait things out and tell you to use "ER for pain relief so you just lose two days of your life drugged out and can’t work to feed your family. During the chronic pain i am dealing with 2 pregnancies a disabled husband and people telling me to abort the babies. WELL , I have had epidurals in the neck , in the facets under flouroscopy, and recently trigger point injectioins for the myofacial pain then on to nerve blocks for diagnostics then on to the real thing the neuroablation otherwise known as RF on the neck. Not so much fun to have needles in your neck while you are awake but they say consciously sedated!!!
I am glad though that I am not as bad as those of you out there because I can still work and I can still walk but my heart goes out to those of you in those situations.
I was on NORCO 10/325 3-4xs a day for two years. I don’t think that is too much in my opinion and it only dropped my pain level to a daily 5-6 for these years, i just dealt with it but any mother will tell you after having kids it isn’t so easy to deal with anymore. I ended up with severe carpal tunnel just had surgery on the left and trying to care for a six month disabled baby. Not very easy. Almost put myself in a hospital a few times but I must be a survivor because i keep chugging along…lol…
I got pregnant the second time and they stopped all narcotics saying it would harm the baby , the idiots…no proof of birth defects and benefit versus risk , hello…so i go four months crying daily on the couch with no meds went into some withdrawals at beginning and was told it could have cause a miscarriage. Took hmo another month to find me a pain center/perinatologist that woudl prescribe me the same meds. so then i am somwhat better and my pills start to dissappear. I admitted i felt they were stolen and they just gave me more. the second time it happened they stopped allllll pills to me…there were over 40 pills missing after a refill. I suspected my husband but I was in denial. I was placed on a fentanyl patch until the baby was born which caused her to have some withdrawals but not her disability (who knows if the pain felt thru me went to her neurological development because her disability is neural based.
So NO ONE will dispense any pain meds to me. My pain was at 5-9 daily and they kindly lol gave me ultram ER…what a joke. i had the RF and the pain was almost gone for 1 1/2 months!!! Joy Joy…then immediately back. Boy it hurts typing all of this. Husband finallly admits took all my pilss when i needed them while pregnant etc causing me to end up in hospital on Fentanyl which is stronger for baby. NOt one doctor will prescribe for me as long as he is in the house., I need a referral to online pharmacies/doctors that are reputable. I have told the doctors this is what I am going to do and I am NOT doctor shopping. I cannot think or work like this. So any ideas where to go to?? I found one charging an consult fee of 109 then will prescribe then need further medical records to refill. ARe these places legit???
Any help is appreciated. I am so sick of being called an addict also by my family for taking pills while pregnant. Take an aspirin my mother and primary said…Thanks