Interstitial cystitis

Anyone out there have Interstitial cystitis and what works best for you? thanks

thanks for the info.

teeger671 wrote:

I have interstitial cystitis and so far I have found great help from Elmiron, rescue instillations, presciption antacids, Neurontin, high amounts of calcium, diet modification…treating the IBS and PFD with it…especically the Pelvic Floor Dysfunciton (PFD), realizing how many things besides diet could bother me and how to work around them helped too. Like a pillow for the car rides, doing muscle relaxation, switching to bottled water, baking soda in my bath water, looser clothes, all those things add up!

I also found aloe vera, chamomile, antispasmodics, vitamin E, and pyridium helpful.

thanks for the email . i have tried all of that at
more. my IC is awful.
— teeger671

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I have interstitial cystitis and so far I have
found great help from Elmiron, rescue instillations,
presciption antacids, Neurontin, high amounts of
calcium, diet modification…treating the IBS and
PFD with it…especically the Pelvic Floor
Dysfunciton (PFD), realizing how many things besides
diet could bother me and how to work around them
helped too. Like a pillow for the car rides, doing
muscle relaxation, switching to bottled water,
baking soda in my bath water, looser clothes, all
those things add up!

I also found aloe vera, chamomile, antispasmodics,
vitamin E, and pyridium helpful.

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