Is it a progression towards achalasia?

Hi Everyone,

New here…I just posted in the new members post, so sorry if you read a similar post there.

I’ve been diagnosed with Diffuse Esophageal Spasms about 6 months ago. It all started with just a little trouble swallowing, and the barium swallow, esophagram and endoscipy all came back negative. I started getting worse, throwing up from the food not going down, not sleeping because of the food coming back up, even through my nose!

The usual meds haven’t helped.

I’m wondering if I’ve progressed, or will progress to achalasia? Any thoughts?

I’m going to a new GI on Friday, so we’ll see what he says.

This post may be a bit belated. But my achalasia began as yours with diffuse esophageal spasms - quite painful and incapacitating. I initially thought it was my heart, or thoracic muscles - had no idea. After going through several GI’s my current GI told me then it would likely progress to achalasia. And it did. Now, add in the difficulty swallowing and everything else that makes it hard to get through a normal day - and at least try to make it look normal.

None of the meds helped with the spasms - antidepressants made me goofy. Nitrates didn’t work. They even gave me fentanyl pops for the horrible spasms - they didn’t help the pain and just gave me headaches and nausea. I find if I catch a spasm early with just 2.5mg valium under my tongue in many cases it calms it or at least shortens episode. The worst for me was a 7 hour spasm marathon - totally incapacitating. I felt like an animal all curled up and rabid or something. I’m afraid I’ll get admitted to a psyche ward if someone finds me that doesn’t know what’s going on because I certainly can’t speak. we need an ID bracelet or some kind of md note to carry with us at all times.

It’s challenging to attend business functions where you have to eat or drink, or for that matter social functions. People I know wonder why I run to the ladies room so frequently - many times in the middle of a conversation. It’s exhausting.

I seem to be in a bit of an unusual remission for a couple of weeks - trying to eat healthy and get some weight on me so I can schedule the HM.

The post above is absoutely right - there are very educated and caring people on the yahoo site that offer much support and information.

It’s nice to know you are all here.

Please consider surgery! It changed my life! The quality of my life was terrible until I had surgery. Do not go to just anyone local. They need tons of experience and ck their results. Go to the one with great results. I went to a local surgeon that had done only 2 of these procedures so I researched and went out of the area. Good Luck

Hello everyone. I stumbled upon this site after researching my symtoms. For the past year I have had a sudden onset of waking up choking. From then on I would wake often with crippling chest pains in my oesophagus/throat And in my back.  The pain is so severe that the only relief I get is sipping water As it feels like my oesophagus is completely blocked. Recently I was out shopping and without any notice I vomitted. I am booked in to see the Gastro specialist ASAP. Whatever this is is crippling and affecting my everyday life. These painful and scary attacks are getting worse several times day and night and I'm finding it harder than ever to eat properly. I've been put on high doses of anti acid meds which are usless. I had a heart ECG at emergency and thankfully all is fine there. Today I was bad for most of the day. I took some valium in hope it might lessen these painful spasems. Do my symptoms sound familiar to those of you with achalasia and what relief works best for you to releive the chest pain. Desperately seeking answers. Kindest regards