Hello everyone,
This is joe and most of you know i had the itelcell tranplant done on may 19 of this year. I’m doing great no more pain can eat what i want and i’m back to work half days I never thought i would feel this way again. I just what to tell you all there is hope out there for you. I pray for you all daily. I hope you all are having a pain free day and are feeling better. I know what you are going threw i lived with the pain and sickness for 6 years . Dr Sutherland and his team gave me back my life. I wish you all the best and hope you all have a great day.
God bless
Thanks for the hug. I am soooo glad that you are doing so well.
Today I go to see a new doctor in Denver. My GI and I agreed that it was time to part company. He was very gracious.
Anyway, I have had a pain in my side since Feb. I’m hoping this new doctor can shed some light on that. It is definitely digestive pain, but I’m not convinced that it is pancreatic pain. It is higher up than my normal CP pain.
Would appreciate your prayers on this.
God Bless and Keep the Faith,
My GI doctor in Omaha gave me the name of a doctor in Denver to give to a
friend - Dr. Raj Shah. Who are you going to see?
Thank you for the message of hope Joe. It is so good to hear that you are doing well.
volup-I know the pain you are talking about. I still have it. No doctor has been able to tell me what is causing it. The best they can do was to put me on kadian(slow release morphine). It helps but I still have to take hydrocodone on a daily basis, just not as much as before. Keep us posted on how things progress. I do hope they can get things figured out for you.
hugs to all,
What wonderful news for you. What a blessing! I am sure you are so thankful. I pray you recover fully and can get back to life 100%.
Vonnie and Dream,
Has your doc ever mentioned that this pain could be nerve related? I was told back in Feb that my “residual pain” could be that all the nerves around my pancreas could be over-sensitive due to the acute attack I had just recovered from. Thus causing pain that wasn’t necessarily from my pancreas, just the nerves around it. They wanted to start a drug for it but I forget what it was called, I chose not to take the drug because it caused major side effects and with 4 kids I can’t risk that. Anyway I just wanted to mention that, it could be completely unrelated.
Pain free wishes to all,
KeKe-thanks for the suggestion but it has already been ruled out. I have undergone some very painful procedures and many different kinds of medications, all to no avail. They want to send me to Ohio to the pain clinic up there, but alas because of the economy and my inability to work we are barely hanging onto the house. So that is out of the question. So my family doctor is trying his best to manage the pain the best that he can.
How wonderful! I am so happy for you…and thanks for the words of hope. I
am having a painful day and needed to hear your words. The pain really gets
me down sometimes. The pain meds don’t help as they seem to make me feel
even more down! I can almost deal with the pain more than the feelings it
gives me. Anyway, thanks for your prayers for all of us! I send mine back
and a big hug for all your wonderful news!
Hey everyone,
Thanks for the posts. I just got back from Denver. The doctor I am seeing is Raj Shah.
I had copies of all my blood tests and a copy of my cat scan from Oct. My ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE was elevated a few months ago. He is rechecking that and doing a GGT. I haven’t looked yet to see what that is. All I know is that he is thinking my bile duct may be blocked. The AP is a liver indicator. So I will be waiting to hear on that.
Also I asked on a scale of 1-10 where was my CP. He said on a scale of 1-5 it was a 4 last year. I don’t know if it fluctuates or not. I am assuming that it is still a 4. There is a lot of calcification. In the last 7 years I have had 10-11 ERCPS. Evidently that is a lot.
He is a very thorough doctor. I like him. He is also very calm. He asked me a very interesting question about my pain level with the stent and without it. They are about the same. He is thinking that maybe the stents aren’t helping and maybe some of this pain was liver, not pancreas.
Now it is wait and see. Once again thanks for the posts.
Thank you SOOOO much for keeping up updated. It really gives us all something to strive for. Please keep us posted and hugs and prayers for continued success.