Janelle - Appointment?


I hope you do keep posting on here because we all want to know what happens to you now!! It would be so hard to not hear from you after getting to know you and the struggles that you have gone through, even if your diagnosis isn’t pancreatitis!!

I am glad to see that you are still appreciating life. I forget where your “homebase” is - will your husband and other family members be able to stay with you in Minneapolis? If you need help tracking down information about resources, let me know. I am always willing to use my fabulous internet skills for a friend.



You stay right here with us on this forum! I am sure everything seems as if you are going through some terrible silent movie. Do what you think you should. Listen to your gut (if you’ll pardon the expression) and we’ll do our part on this end. I love that you are appreciating the little things. Good for you.

Fight back, babes! You can do it.

My husband and I are praying for you!

And sending love


Thanks for speaking for all of us. I couldn’t have said it better!


Hello Harslp,

This is Danielle. I am not sure what Janelle’s email address is.

Hi Danielle -

Since this is a list serve, you get a copy of all the emails sent to the list. If you want to change the settings you can log in to Care Place. I can’t remember where the settings to turn off email notifications are, but if you need help, let me know and I can give you a step-by-step.

Everybody else -

I was thinking this morning that there is someone in our group that is a pancreatic cancer survivor…I am sorry I can’t remember which one of us it is…Maybe you could identify yourself and give a recap on your story so that Janelle knows that while the stories are usually all doom and gloom about pancreatic cancer, there are people who come out the other side!! (I hope I am not putting anyone on the spot…)

Janelle, you are in my thoughts - no lie!! We are all thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers!!!



ALL things are possible with God! Please keep the faith and know that we are praying you through! Miracles happen every day. I am believing a miracle for you. With all of our prayers, God has to hear us! :slight_smile:

Please have a safe trip. Know that we are standing right beside you every step of the way. Focus on that darling little girl and all the wonderful things that you are going to do with her. Fight back! We are fighting with you. You will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow. I will be anxious to hear what the Mayo Clinic has to say.

I am sending lots of love to you, Janelle…

And a hug,


Oh please stay here!! I am so glad to have met you here. I also believe you can fight this cancer. All things are possible with God. I also forget where you are. Please stay positive!!
We love you and are praying for you.


email me sometime keke73@cinci.rr.com

Hello everyone.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and responses. It really helps me. I want to give you another update because things have changed again. After my last post about scheduling chemo for Friday at the U of M, I went outside for a long walk in the brisk fall air. We live on a farm in rural Minnesota so we have plenty of room to move about and wildlife. (I love where we live). So when I came back in I was feeling better that I had a plan and my spirits were lifted. I sat down to have some soup and the phone rang. It was the Mayo Clinic -Rochester calling to tell me that they received so many calls on my behalf that they have been thinking about me. And a cancellation had just occurred and they wanted to know if I wanted the appointment. Of course I said yes, because now I can get the second opinion we need. They asked if I can come Thursday (tomorrow). So I am scheduled to for tests on Thursday and will meet with the doctor on Friday. My husband is so happy, he is the one that held out making decisions on Monday and insisted on getting to the Mayo. All the prayers are working. Thank you guys for everything. I will keep you posted on what happens. I am going to fight this with everything I’ve got. I am the mommy to the most wonderful little girl, she is 4. Her name is Samantha but I call her Sammi Mae. I have to live for her. Ok, I have much to do. We are leaving tonight for Rochester so just wanted to check in with you. YOu guys are so great.

Thank you thank you thank you!

God bless you!

Thanks Amanda for letting me know I get posts to my emails. I was so confused because people were sending me emails about Janelle. I thought they were thinking Janelle and I were one in the same.

Janelle - I think I saw you at Dr. Freeman’s office on Monday, but I am not sure. Were you there around 2:30? I wish we could’ve met because we all need support. I have been praying for you and let me tell you prayer works! My mom has had her share of horrible illnesses and prayer has helped her. I say prayers at my church…I will put your name in the prayer box this weekend. You are such a strong person - You inspire me to be a better person. To appreciate all the little things and the days I am feeling good. Stay with us because we care about you! Take care, best of luck at Mayo. I had serious kidney surgery there a few years ago and I think so highly of my doctors. Hopefully you will get great doctors too. Stay calm and rely on your family to help you through this difficult time.

you go girl !!! keep that attitude and it will take you a long ways ! i will pray for sammie mae also ! i am sure she loves her mommy dearly and yes she needs you and you need her ! God bless you and your family, will be waiting to hear from you! Godspeed!


Hi Janelle, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am a 4 year pancreatic cancer survivor. I was diagnosed when I was 24 yrs old. I am glad you are going to the Mayo. I have had many procedures there (all for the pancreatitis) and have been very happy with the treatment I recieved.
I had a Whipple opperation at the University of Colorado Hospital in 2004 where they removed a huge tumor from the head of my pancreas.

I have some good resources for pancreatic cancer. The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is a great place to start. pancan.org

I know that every case is different, but you have a fighters attitude. Stay positive, enjoy taking a walk.


(Sorry I’ve been MIA for a while I spent another week in the hospital… this time it was my appendix ugh!)


I knew there was someone in our group that was a survivor! We hear so much about mortality rates that it is easy to forget that there is a survivor rate too.

Sorry to hear about your appendix. I still have mine. Did it make your pancreas upset at all?

Hope everyone is doing at least “okay”. I haven’t had any issues since I’ve stuck to the 20g of fat rule.

I pray for you Janelle and I am thinking positive thoughts for your treatments. Between the U of Minn & Mayo, you have the best doctors and nurses looking out for you! Even the Dalai Lama goes to the Mayo in Rochester!!


please please tell me how you are doing and what the doctors are saying!
Think of you DAILY!
Love to you,

Hi. Everyday goes so fast it seems. When I got to Mayo they redid a CT. They agreed with the diagnosis the doctors at the U of M gave. I knew they would. However, the Mayo recommended a different treatment regime. They also had a trial available, which I wanted that option, even though I did not take it and the doctor did not recommend it. They were also more positive in that they were not just gonna give up on me. Although, the reality of prognosis was presented their as well. So since the Mayo is 4 hours away from home, they agreed I could receive treatment around home. So I have been referred to Dr. Ryan an Oncologist at a local clinic they were familiar with. Dr. Ryan was very positive and offered me hope. I started chemotherapy last Tuesday, both IV and oral medication. The plan is one week on, one week off the chemo. Last week was pretty rough, but I think all the doctoring and stress added to the fatigue that came with the chemo. I’m hanging in and I pray for a miracle everyday. Thank you for all your support. I’ll keep in touch. Janelle


I am so glad to hear from you. I have had you on my mind and asked for prayer for you to prayer warriors I know. I also pray for a miracle of healing for you. I want to also pray for mild reaction to chemo so you can heal quickly. Please feel this (((HUG))) and know that we all are holding you up in prayer. You are loved.

KIT when you can.
keke73@cinci.rr.com if you need to email.


I too will be praying for you. God Speed.
