Kamisyra exposure

I am being re-evaluated at the VA, Due to my inabilty to hold a job.
The Doc. evaluating me, says it is more than Parkeszonian tremmors.
He says theres too much neuro damage, I am wondering How many others vets out there, suffering from the same, how many were at or near
camisyra? when the enginers blew that nerve agent bunker.?
You can contact me at my email:

This is a call to all Veterans of ODS! It is time for all gulf war veterans
to be seen and heard from! I am asking all to forward by email posting to
all veteran email groups and any other email groups you can find! Also notify
all veteran organizations. THe meeting will be held in Dallas Texas a lot
more affordable than Washington DC. Please let us know if you plan on
attending! This is important!
If you want to be heard you need to come forward!

The next Committee meeting will be held July 18-19, 2007, in Dallas, TX .
More details about the July 2007 meeting will be posted as the date nears.
The last 2007 Committee meeting of the year is scheduled for October 22-23,
Committee meetings are open to the public and include time reserved for
public comments. A sign-up sheet for five-minute comments will be available at
the meeting. Members of the public who speak are invited to submit a 1-2 page
summary of their comments at the time of the meeting for inclusion in the
official meeting record. Individuals do not need to preregister to attend or
speak at the meeting. However, because meetings are normally held at VA
headquarters or facilities, all attendees will be required to check in and show
valid ID at the security desk.
The Committee welcomes suggestions and information from veterans,
physicians, scientists, and members of the general public regarding its mission.
Español (http://www.vba.va.gov/benefit_facts/index.htm) | VA Forms
(http://www.va.gov/vaforms/) | Facilities Locator (http://www.va.gov/directory/) |
Contact the VA (https://iris.va.gov/) | Frequently Asked Questions
Privacy Policy (http://www.va.gov/privacy/) | Web Policies & Important
(http://www.va.gov/webpolicylinks.asp) | Annual Performance and
Accountability Report
Freedom of Information Act (http://www.va.gov/foia/) | Small Business
(http://www.va.gov/osdbu/contacts/contacts.htm) | Site Map
USA.gov (http://www.usa.gov/) | White House
(http://www.whitehouse.gov/) | USA Freedom Corps (http://www.freedomcorps.gov/) Reviewed/Updated
Date: May 22, 2007

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If we are just going to hear a bunch of speaker, then why
can we not hear this by web cast?
— DSNurse gulfwarsyndrome-cpt4568@lists.careplace.com

~--------------- sent via
~-~ DSNurse posted the message below in the Gulf War
syndrome Community Forum.
~-~ The entire conversation can be found here:
~-~ To respond to this message, reply to this email or
sign in to CarePlace.com
~-~ To start a new conversation, email
gulfwarsyndrome@lists.careplace.com or sign in to
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~--------------- all text
below this line will be cut off in your reply

This is a call to all Veterans of ODS! It is time for
all gulf war veterans
to be seen and heard from! I am asking all to forward
by email posting to
all veteran email groups and any other email groups you
can find! Also notify
all veteran organizations. THe meeting will be held in
Dallas Texas a lot
more affordable than Washington DC. Please let us know
if you plan on
attending! This is important!
If you want to be heard you need to come forward!

The next Committee meeting will be held July 18-19,
2007, in Dallas, TX .
More details about the July 2007 meeting will be posted
as the date nears.
The last 2007 Committee meeting of the year is scheduled
for October 22-23,
Committee meetings are open to the public and include
time reserved for
public comments. A sign-up sheet for five-minute
comments will be available at
the meeting. Members of the public who speak are
invited to submit a 1-2 page
summary of their comments at the time of the meeting for
inclusion in the
official meeting record. Individuals do not need to
preregister to attend or
speak at the meeting. However, because meetings are
normally held at VA
headquarters or facilities, all attendees will be
required to check in and show
valid ID at the security desk.
The Committee welcomes suggestions and information from
physicians, scientists, and members of the general public
regarding its mission.
(http://www.vba.va.gov/benefit_facts/index.htm) | VA

(http://www.va.gov/vaforms/) | Facilities Locator
(http://www.va.gov/directory/) |
Contact the VA (https://iris.va.gov/) | Frequently
Asked Questions


Privacy Policy (http://www.va.gov/privacy/) | Web
Policies & Important
(http://www.va.gov/webpolicylinks.asp) | Annual
Performance and
Accountability Report

Freedom of Information Act (http://www.va.gov/foia/) |
Small Business
| Site Map
USA.gov (http://www.usa.gov/) | White House
(http://www.whitehouse.gov/) | USA Freedom Corps
(http://www.freedomcorps.gov/) Reviewed/Updated
Date: May 22, 2007

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Meeting of the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses

July 18-19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18:
Meeting Held in Simmons Biomedical Research Bldg (NIB), Room 11.120
University of Texas Southwestern School of Medicine
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas

[Please Note: The meeting will be held in a different location Thursday,
July 19]

Preliminary Agenda

Wednesday, July 18
8:00 – 8:30
Informal gathering, coffee
8:30 – 8:35
Welcome, introductory remarks Jim Binns, Chairman
Res Adv Cmte Gulf War Illnesses
8:35 – 10:45
University of Texas Southwestern School of
Medicine Gulf War Illnesses Research Program
Dr. Robert Haley
Univ of Texas Southwestern staff
10:45 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:30
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): study of
molecular pathogenesis, protein biomarkers, and
virus infection
Dr. Jonathan Kerr
St. George’s University of London
12:30 – 1:30
1:30 – 3:20 University of Texas Southwestern School of
Medicine Gulf War Illnesses Research Program
Univ of Texas Southwestern staff
3:20 – 3:35 Break
3:35 – 4:05 University of Texas Southwestern School of
Medicine Gulf War Illnesses Research Program
Univ of Texas Southwestern staff
4:05 – 5:00
Discussion regarding University of Texas
Southwestern School of Medicine Gulf War Illnesses
Research Program
5:00 – 5:30 Public comments

Thursday, July 19:
Meeting Held at the Hilton Anatole
2201 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, Texas
Preliminary Agenda
Thursday, July 19
8:00 – 8:30
Informal gathering, coffee
8:30 – 9:10
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) reveals evidence
of structural brain changes among veterans deployed
in the first Gulf War
Dr. Roberta White
Boston University School of Public
9:10 – 10:30
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic toxic injury
Dr. William Meggs
East Carolina University School of
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:30
Update on recently published research relevant to the
health of Gulf War veterans
Dr. Beatrice Golomb
University of California at San
Diego School of Medicine
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 12:45
Overview of chronic multisymptom illnesses
Dr. Daniel Clauw
University of Michigan School of
12:45 – 1:15 Update on VA Gulf War research programs
Dr. Bill Goldberg
VA Office of
Research and Development
1:15 – 1:30
Committee business: Report update Dr. Lea Steele
Res Adv Cmte Gulf War Illnesses
1:30 – 2:00 Public comments
2:00 Adjourn

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