Labia fusing

Hi All ~ I just joined and I am happy to be in contact with others with LS, altho I wish us all recovery if it’s possible!

I have LS and my skin is looking ok. My issue is that my inner and outer labia are fusing together and I am frightened. I am using testosterrone and estrogen cremes and sometimes cortisone creme prescribed by my GYN.

What has been helpful to you all for this? I am very into alternative medicine b/c it has worked well for me, so any info on that is appreciated.


Hi Kristin, I wish you the best in managing LS. I have not used testosterone, but I have fibroids, and I believe the estrogen creams/ointments made them worse. Terribly heavy bleeding and cramps. So I have avoided the hormone treatments. Genital tissue is like a sponge, and absorbs so much. I am using emu oil and finding relief in that, although it isn’t undoing the fusing. I have also used Clobetasol (sp?) but find that it thins the skin very quickly. Before emu oil, I used topical Benadryl to ease itching, and added Cetaphil as a moisturizer.
