Leg Pain and Dercum's Disease

I have been having pain in my calf that I thought was a pulled muscle but I now have a chain of lumps around my knee and new ones inside the calf…Has anyone else had nagging pains that feel like cramps in their calves?? I also have pains in my shoulders…

I just feel like I am just always whining about my pain but its for real…its just now there are new pains and a ton more lumps…and now I may have something else wrong I have bumps across both cheeks…I am also now fighting for SSI…I have my case before a judge soon and I’m having horrid luck…

My primary Dr went to India and I’m seeing a new Dr for the DD on Friday …he says he can treat DD…We’ll see…I hope he can…I am so tired I just want some peace and some relief from this crap…

Whiners unite!!!


Love this place… No backlash “all in your head” B.S.

Use it

And it helps me identify shtuff to eliminate.

Pam I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time. I feel just like you do. I need to keep working so I will get more ss, but I don’t think I can take it much longer. The stress and pain are eating me alive and my job is not as physical as yours I do not know how you do it. I don’t like driving my car I can’t imagine driving a school bus.
But once we apply for ssi we won’t be able to work and waiting the it to be approved could take four years. What are we supposed to do??? Its the question in my head that I can’t get rid off. I am scared to death to even start the process.

I am one your side sweetie. GOD BLESS!!

I have one lipoma on the inside of my calf (high up, right under the knee) and it is a real pain maker. I get stinging in my calves sometimes. Not as bad as the thighs though. Maybe lipomas hit on nerves that make pain elsewhere where there are no lipomas? I don’t know.

I hope all goes well with the new doctor :slight_smile:

EJohnson Honey, you have a right to whine about your pain. Although it didn’t sound like whining to me. We are allowed to whine, rant, scream or get these feelings out. Better out than in. You have been through enough, you can rant vent or whine all you want. Thats what we are here for, to support one another in good and bad times.

I will write a whole post sometimes and read it back, then delete because all I see in it are complaints and whineing, But we have that right doen’t we? Our pain and discomfort is very real. Just wanted you to know we are here to support you when you want to whine. I think we are all entitled!!

Yes. Pressure on nerves cause phantom pain. It was in the DVD.

Your brain has the blueprint of your body. The nerves are stupid-signal A means part A is in pain… But ANYTHING along the path can mess with the signals and misplace the pain within the brain.

That one fact is why meditation helps.

Calm that part of the brain down.

Close your eyes. Breath slowly. Focus on opening arteries and the warmth from increased flow. Speak what you wish for. Try to focus on your avatar- the manifestation of your unharmed soul.

I do this for 10 minutes, and it helps for about an hour.

I’m thinking of yoga next.

Yes, Elaine,

I have horrible leg cramps and, just last week, I had a terrible flare from my right buttock all the way down the back of my leg to the sole of my right foot. Not only did it feel like I had pulled every muscle, it felt like a severe burn over the entire area. I drive a bus for a living and I thought I’d die having to put pressure on the back of my thigh and knee in order to work the pedals. Sitting was bad enough!

Hugs and spoons,

Me too, Brennie, and I am single so there is no one to keep me afloat while I wait! I am trying to make some arrangements to avoid living in a cardboard box, though.

My sister lost literally everything she had while waiting and was even homeless for a while. (she didn’t contact our brother or me, so we couldn’t help)

I don’t want to file either. I am afraid. I’m on your side too!
