I am sure you all have thought this numerous times but…I am a registered nurse and unfortunately am now on the other side of the bed rail. I haven’t done patient care in about 3 years although (thankfully) I do still go in an occasional day a month and do some teaching (I’ve been a nurse for 14 years). Sorry I am rambling…anyway. Most hospitals nowadays are so in to guest relations and have started doing classes on how to better manage pain. You may notice the charts with the little faces and being asked what your pain level is…blah, blah, blah…like the inability to speak wasn’t enough indication…anyway. I wonder how a person could go to a hospital or hospitals and do a presentation to the ER/and floor nurses about CP and how it presents?
Here is why I say this. I have been fortunate enough to meet 3 people in my ER travels that have had acute pancreatitis. One was and MD who was so kind and compassionate and understood that CP does not present with elevated amylase and lipase most of the time and treated me quickly and gave me the choice of staying to be admitted or going home. I was SO bad I stayed. I could have kissed this man.
I also met a nurse who worked in the ER and had for many years. She started having abdominal pain etc,. They kept running tests and nothing showed. It got so bad that the same doctors who had workded with her for well over 15 years started accusing her she was drug seeking!!! She finally found a GI who agreed to do an ERCP (although he told her he didn’t think it would show anything) and she had pancreatic divisum.
The other person I met thankfully works for my PCP. He was in the hopsital for 6 weeks and when I call in trouble he is so kind. The last flareup I had he was off that day and they took ALL DAY to call and then just so go to the ER. When he is there he is back right away and i am a flat admit. When I finally call I am either sure I am dying or want to because of the symptoms.
So, great minds one and all, how many times do you hear about AIDS, Cancer, etc. So how do we get this information out there? I know, I am probably just an angry frustrated newbie but you have all given me such hope.
Blessings to all,