Looking for friends with Multiple Myeloma

I take revilmid every other day. Would all of you with MM become my friend, and tell me what you are going thru.

GOD bless you all.


I do not have MM, but my mother does. She is taking Thalidomide and so far it is doing a good job of keeping the bad protein down. She was taking it was a st eroid, but now she takes the Thalidomide by itself every night. The most bothersome side effect thus far, is an itchy rash, but her doctor wants her to tough it out and keep taking it. I hope you are having great results with the med you are on.
My mom is not a candidate for transplants as she also has pulmonary problems. Stay positive! There have been many improvements in the treatment of this disease. God Bless. We wish you all the best.


Good to hear from you. Keep an eye on that rash. Shingles are a common problem when our immune system is down. If the rash is on one side of her body and she has sharp tingling pain call the doctor right away. It may be shingles.

I have have two different times since my treatments when my white counts were low that I got shingles. They can be eased with medication, but the sooner it’r treated the sooner you can recover.

Your Mom is lucky to have you helping her! I know my daughter is a continued blessing in my spirit and well being.
