Low protein & zinc.....what could this mean?

A few weeks ago I had asked if anyone was dealing with a height issue, my son has been thru all the tests for poor growth on height and we did get teh results back yesterday…Finally!!! All the hormones checked out fine, he is low in Zinc, low Protein, and a high platelet count. He is now 26 inches long and weighs 20 lbs at 13 months old, they have given him Zinc to take daily. They also mentioned he may not be absorbing the nutrients in his food, I just don’t understand because he looks so healthy and plump. If anyone has any advice or any input to kinda soothe my mind I would greatly appreciate it!

Looking at a book here titled Super Baby Food 2nd edition by Ruth Yaron, pg 551.

IRT Zinc deficiency symptoms:  Anemia, slow wound healing, dwarfism or stunted growth, birth defects and miscarriages, sterility, mental problems, skin problems, hair loss, bowel problems, poor ability to taste food.  Too much iron or copper in the diet may cause a zinc deficiency......Children with zinc deficiency may have slow growth and be shorter than if zinc was adequate in the diet.  They may also suffer slow intellectual development. 

Zinc RDA, 6-12 months is 5mg and 1-3 years is 10mg.

Iron RDA, 6-12 months is 10mg and 1-3 years is 10mg.

Fow what it's worth, I think that it is great that you have insisted the Drs test your child.  You have been an awesome advocate for your baby.






Exactly what kind of tests helped to determine what the problem was for your child? My son, Joshua, has not grown since he was 6 mo’s old, how’s now 8.5 mo’s. He has the same length, weight (actually he’s lost a lil.), and head circumfrence since his 6 mo. well baby check-up. He had his ostomy closed a week ago, and was given extra sodium, and potassium b/c that came up low before his surgery.

I’m wondering if there’s a correlation there.

My DS height is doing better, it had been low and now he is at a normal level, however his head… is dropping big time. The dr has not dx w/ microcephaly, but I fear that at his next well visit if the % goes down anymore then we will have that Dx. developmentally he seems fine at this point (4 1/2 months) I’ll have to keep this post in mind.