
Does anyone have any experience with a medication working on social anxiety/social phobia. this clonzapan is not cutting it.

thanks angel. I appreciate your ideas. thus far nothing has worked for me either. This is just a nasty disorder. i read some information on nardil that was hopeful but good luck getting on it. I think doctors would sooner prescribe morphine. It has so many side effects and theres like a million things you cant eat or you could die. But I hope that you find something that works for you too. Thanks so much for responding. I really appreciate that someone is thinking ahout me. please write anytime. im here for you.

Thanks Cyndi. This is a horrible thing to go through. My husband doesn’t understand it at all. We went shopping the other day and I had to get out of the store we were in because there was too many people and I felt a panic attack coming on. I got dizzy and sick. He thinks I should tell myself how stupid it is and to get over it. Now why didn’t I think of that. Dumb me. Ha ha. He is just so clueless. I love him but he just doesn’t get it. Write any time to me. It is nice to know someone understands. Take care…


thanks sonny, there is probabably no magic pill to get out of this. i appreciate your honesty.