Memory issue

I would like to know if anyone knows why the memory problems are so bad? Is this a part of FMD of the carotids?

I am going to the neurologist tomorrow because my memory is so bad that I can’t remember my wedding ( of course it was 18years ago but still), I also do not remember moving into the house we bought last year ( those are some of the biggies). I have forgotten words, how to do certain things, and then all the daily things like missed appt, errands forgotten to do, taken double the meds because I am never sure I have taken the dose, left the water running, etc.

Sorry didn’t mean to babble I am just getting nervous about this.
I would like to know if anyone else has this problem. Thank you.

Hi Sunny I have FMD in both internal carotids and had a dissection in left.I too have problems with my memory and words. I’ve also started switching letters which I didn’t do before.I did have TIA when artery tore.I do think that has something to do with it.I do know that one of the meds I was put on Topomax does effect memory. Neuro told me Said jokingly some Dr’s refer to it as dope a max.Don’t know if this helps or not.Please post about your neuro appt.I’ve done some of the same things you’ve mentioned, the double meds forgetting directions. Glad to hear from someone with similar memory problems I’m sure there are quite a few of us.

Thank you for your reply. It is nice to know I am not alone in this and I am sorry that you struggle too.
The neuro is planning to do a MRI and EEG. It is scary to never know where it will get you next (fmd).

My father said the good part of the memory loss is always having “new”. When I can’t remember seeing a show and watch it again and again its new to me but very boring to hubby at that point.

Wel,l you have a great day.

I am terrible at remembering. I ask my husband the same thing that I have already ask 5 min later. I got one of those pill boxes that has the days of the week so i wont take double meds. I have rented movies that I already saw and didnt remember it the second time either. I forget words. I just tell people that I have brain damage. I had both carotids fixed, one totally replaced and one patched. I think the patched one is getting an aneurysm on it, it has a big bulge.


It is nice to know that this happens to others ( though it is sad to know how much we all suffer with this).
It is comforting in a way to know that it probably is nothing to do with a brain problem, though I am thinking it is time for a new carotid scan.
This is like the Groundhogs day movie…lol.
Have a great day…

GG I do the same thing my family gets annoyed because I will forget and repeat myself often. I know I wasn’t like that before the dissection.I bought one of those medicne containers too.I also find that I switch letters around when I write weird.

see just repeated things I wrote in last reply… DUH

Hi All, well first I want to say…I really don’t feel so all alone hearing you have similar memory problems. Lately I have been to lazy to fill pill boxes, and I can think to myself Oh I will take such and such med…and then about five mins later…not know if I took it or not. Dam back to filling up those boxes!

Okay, I can not for the life of me figure out how to post a new post on this site…so I am jumping in on this subect matter to pass along a message from Kari…


P.S. Hope many of you are coming. If you want more info go to the FMDSA .ORG site and check it out.

take care…oxoxoxomimi

Hi Mimi I was having trouble posting too. I just had to post again when I saw that you got lazy about filling the pill box, I have been doing the same thing !!My daughter takes med’s for attention problems when she is attending school. She has a bad habit of putting it down for a mintue to get something to drink. Well I asked her did you take your pill she said I think I did … I usually take two meds in the morning at the same time… well neither of us could remember but thw pill was gone! I told my DH he said well you’ll know in about 20 minutes if you took it because you will starting buzzing around the house !!Well I didn’t take it so she did! Thank goodness. So now I watch her take it , then take my stuff. So I’d better get back to using my RX box too …