Metastatic breast cancer

Hello everyone: I just discovered this site. Is there anyone else out there with metastatic breast cancer? I would love to hear from you, or any one else who would care to respond. We are all “sisters” regardless of what type of cancer we have.

Well hello there,
My name is Suzie. I don’t know yet if I have metastatic disease or not. I am in the process of getting a million xrays. I did have 8 of 19 lymph nodes positive, so I guess there is a chance. My fingers are crossed though. I couldn’t imagine what that would be like. Where has your’s spread to?

Hi Suzie, It’s Tinapuppy. My metastatic cancer spread to my bones. It started as breast cancer in 1992 as a very small tumer
(1 cm.) so I opted for lumpectomy, radiation and chemo. Unfortunately it came back as a 4cm x 5cm inoperable tumer in my brachial plexus ( near the armpit) and spread to my femor, hip area and some smaller hot spots on rib and spine. I had to have a rod inserted there. I am being treated with Arimidex ( the tumer has shrunk to half it’s size) and I get Zometa infusions once a month (the bone cancer has not spread to further areas). My cancer tumer markers in my blood work is good also. I am holding my own for now. My only real problem is constant pain in my hand and arm since the tumer is wrapped around the nerves. I don’t mean to sound like gloom and doom, I’m just telling you my situation. The nurse at my treatment yesterday said there are many people living for years with this disease and they. treat it like a chronic condition. So I fight as hard as I can and try to stay positive. I have a wonderful supportive husband and family and that really helps. I feel so blessed. I wish you the best. I pray daily and that helps me. Let me know how you are doing. I’ll add you to my prayers.

Hi again,

You know you have every right in the world to sound a little gloomy.  I can't imagine living with that kind of pain.  Daily activities have probably become pretty difficult.  I work in urology oddly enough, and we treat a lot of our prostate cancer patient with Zometa.  They seem to do very well, and it does decrease the spreading into the bones.  And they are around for a very long time.  You are another reason I am glad that I went ahead with the full mastectomy.  Othough, I kind of believe that I will  do everything I can to get rid of the disease, but if it is meant to come back, it will.  I know that something good will come out of this.  I believe that only the really strong and special women get diseases like ours. We have a mission, but I am not sure what it is yet. 

Hey Tinapuppy,

I am Suzie's mom, debidoodle.  She told me about your situation. I don't think you sound all doom and gloom either. In fact, I think you have a pretty positive attitude for someone who has endured all that you have. We went to a class last night for doing make-up and wigs, and those ladies had varying degrees of cancer, but all were matter of fact about it with very positive attitudes.  I think our mind is our most powerful tool, and meditation and just picturing yourself all healed can't hurt. Hope you're feeling okay.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and light,
