just checking. i did not get any feedback as to whether anyone else
experiences these lows. i find that the morning are about 2 hrs. after
i have eaten breakfast----i only eat recomended breakfast foods, such
as whole grain items. does anyone have a suggestion as to different
foods to try? i just feel that my body has been totally drained. i can not stand, let alone walk. it usually lasts about an hr., and then i feel better.
maybe i should drink the saltwater with my meals.
Brennie, do you have Addisons?
Sorry Brennie - I see you’re on the Addisons board. I’m fairly new and am still navigating the site. This happened to me recently. I tried an experiment which, thank God, worked for me. I take my prednisone at night. The half life of prednisone is very short and I was having trouble getting going in the A.M. Also, the prednisone helped me sleep better, believe it or not. I am a vegetarian and I find protein in the morning keeps me going. Perhaps some oatmeal and fruit and walnuts with soy milk. Being a vegetarian has kept me very healthy so far.
Brennie - I have found i need protein in the am - it helps give me some much needed energy - certainly not 100% but I can get around much better with some in my system. I sometimes make myself a sandwich or soup for breakfast - I know - sounds crazy - but I love both and it does seem to boost my ability to do things around the house.