Migraines & Ringing in Ears

Has anyone had migraines with blurry vision and dizziness? If so, what are you taking for them? I am on Coumadin and most drugs they have given me (so far) for headaches wipe me out completely and make me want to sleep all day. I also have a constant (and I mean all day and night) ringing in my ears that is making me crazy! Does anyone know if there is anything that can be done for that?

I have had migraines with blurry vision and numbness on one side of body. Since I had a reaction to the med I am not able take anything but pain meds. Has anyone checked your carotid arteries for FMD? Ringing in the ears may be a sign of something going on in your carotids. Good luck.

I was diagnosed with FMD Jan of this yr. I’ve been told I have a healed dissection in my left carotid. A few drs said I do have FMD, one said I don’t. Still seeking info at this point.

It is believed that FMD is from lack orf collagin to our arteries. If you also have a shortage of collagin in other places then you will have symptoms of EDS. A big symptom of EDS is ear ringing and dizziness. It is called tennitiatis (sp?) You need to see a ENT Dr. My mom took a med called McClezine for years. It helped her a lot. I have ocular migraines that causes blurriness. Mine are light glare induced. Use sunglasses when they start and it helps a lot. Figure out what glares starts them and use curtains/sunglasses to prevent.
----- Original Message -----
From: “rain08” fmd-cpt8814@lists.careplace.com
To: dbuck5@embarqmail.com
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:36:02 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: [fmd] Migraines & Ringing in Ears

I also have a healed dissection in my left carotid , diagnosed in April of 07. I have whats called pulstile tinnitus, its like a whoosing noise in my ears, which still has not gone away. I also have migraines and sometimes daily headaches, the Dr has tried me on Topamax which had too many side effects, I ended up with joint pain. So now they are trying pamelor and now I cant sleep. Dont know what they will try next. I would rather not take anything and just take pain meds when I need them. But they seem to think I need to be on daily prevenative meds.

I have had the pulsatile tinitis, headaches and blurry vision/ dizziness for years also -
I think it is due to FMD in my intracranial artieries - especially the one that passes by the ear - (in my case the internal carotids). the FMD has caused a bend in my arteries as they enter the skull and the sound reverberates off my skull.
It actually has decreased a lot since I got the renal angioplasty, switched to losartan, and thus my BP control has improved significanlty. I still get the pulsing, and I watch my BP and symptoms whenever I hear it or get those other symptoms. I call my neuroogist or go to the ER if severe since those same symptoms can be of a stroke or dissection.

I am new here from another post. Very recently, I have had constant ringing in my ears. I know it’s connected to the brain, as nothing I do to stop it works. I tried holding my hands as hard as I could against my ears (right ear seems to be more prevalent), and it’s still the same loudness. I have been doing some reading and they say it’s connected to migraines. I have been suffering with migraines since I was very young. I also was informed that a lot of aspirin (I live on Excedrine) can cause this. Couple that with migraines, Excedrine, TMJ, STRESS, and sinus problems, and I am a great candidate for this wonderfully new ailment called tinnitus.

I have not contacted an Eye, Ears, Nose, and Throat doctor yet, but today I am getting referrals. Are any of you on Zomeg, or the sister drug Immitrex? Those of you taking drugs for prevention, can you tell me what has been working—does it stop the migraines from coming? Seems the older I get, the worse my migraines are. When the barametric pressure changes, I am debilitated if I don’t catch my migraine. I am a walking barometer.

I will be back with more information once I find anything out. I am planning on doing a lot of research. Have any of you been told that hearing loss is correlated with this. I heard that you can lose your hearing, but I don’t know if you “will” lose your hearing.

I was on Topamax for migraines which worked but I had to many serious side effects, so I was taken off. You should have a doctor check you out for the tinnitus. It turns out mine was from a dissection.

Well, first I am a migraine sufferer. I also suffer from sinus problems. I live on Excedrine (aspirin can be associated with tinnitus), and I have exema in the ears, therefore, have used a Q-tip daily to allieviate the itching. I have punctured my eardrum as well. All of these mentioned can attribute to tinnitus. It went from ringing occasionally, very occasionally in the last year—once in a great while, to constant, starting a few weeks ago. And I know it’s related to the brain. So, now I am asking anyone out there for excellent specialists in this field, with tinnitus and/or migraines, and any information that is positive. The negatives I know.


Previous to dissection I did take Imitex for Migraines and it did help.Obviously I didn’t know that I had FMD then. I’m on Topomax now, I still have headaches but not as severe.

Do you still have ringing of the ears? It can make you crazy if you let it. I do fine in the day, IF I don’t think of it. At night, I don’t know if it actually wakes me up, but it sure the heck is there in the middle of the night too. I find myself trying to concentrate on anything but that. What did you say you are doing for it. And what is a dissection? And what is FMD? Is that fibromyalgia? Have you heard about any new breakthroughs for either migraines or tinnitus? People with tinnitus, do they eventually go deaf? I know I have had some hearing loss. OUCH! ÂÂ

— On Thu, 6/26/08, planetlucy fmd-cpt8814@lists.careplace.com wrote:

From: planetlucy fmd-cpt8814@lists.careplace.com
Subject: Re: [fmd] Migraines & Ringing in Ears
To: fricchionerobin@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 2:01 PM

I have recently found out through an ER CT scan that I had severe sinus inflamation and scarring. I had sinus surgery once about 10 years ago but never had the ringing in the ears back then. I ended up going to an ENT dr who said the ringing may be caused by my sinus situation. Another one of my drs said it may be from migraines. I don’t think anyone really knows. But, I don’t want to take any other meds until I get off the Coumadin. The mix of meds side effects just makes me feel awful.

I don’t have ringing in the ears but do have chronic headaches.Unfortunatley the only way I can get relief when the headaches are bad are narcotics if that doesn’t work then have to go to ER to get checked out.LIke a lot of others on this forum I’ve had a dissection ( a tear in carotid artery) and TIA from FMD fibromuscular dysplasia ( I think you had asked what FMD was ) in last post.