More symptoms?

Ok …I havent been on here as much as I was…I am getting worse faster than I had thought I would…I have developed a lump on the back of my neck between my shoulders that wasnt there before…Does anyone else have this??? Is it DD related?? My neck and shoulders (and back) stay in pain all the time…also my left eye is painful now …I know what that means as it happened to the right eye…It was painful for months before the lump showed up real well…but the neck thing is killing me…Hot water helps some…and the weirdest thing happened to me today…I got on the floor(hardly do but had to cuz grandbaby wanted to play) and when I got up the back of my leg cramped BAD!!! Then it felt like the opposite hip was seperating from my hip…I havent ever had any of this before…I am so saddened lately…things are really really bad …and its supposed to be a joyful time…I am trying my hardest to keep my spirits up …

Yes that “hump” between the shoulder and behind the neck is even mentioned in the research paper. Mine is pretty large, and makes me look very round shouldered. It alos causes alot of pain.
Leg cramps and muscle spasms are very common with DD. Sorry you are in so much pain. Try to enjoy the good days.

Hello, It is hard to watch ourselves progress with this illness.? Every new thing brings more concern and problems.? I am so glad you and others are here to talk to.? I suppose soon it will be time for me to seek some medication for depression.? I know many people prefer not to take any but if it helps me cope I probably will.? I hope you have some better days soon.?

Look and talk to that grandchild often,


Yes, I have a large lump just off to the right of my spine in my neck. It is awful right now. I use a heating pad that you put in the microwave and it wraps around your neck. My neck spasyms if I excert myself or get tense. Last Christmas when I had to go to two places with presents I heated it up in between. I wad up a hand towel, put it behind my neck and lean on it in my recliner. That puts pressure on it which helps. This weather turning cold makes me feel like I got hit by a truck. I forget just how bad I feel in the winter. I have ball ankle and I just can’t stand support hose. I’ve tried all types and RX ones and they all make red rings around my ankle so I can’t stand to wear them. How can I wrap presents and keep my foot up? It is still swollen in the morning now. I don’t think that is from the DD, I think it is either from the diabetic neuropathy or high blood pressure. Anyway, I am sorry that you young women have to deal with DD. The holiday season is always hard. The last time that I got on the floor with my grandaughter, I thought we would have to call the squad to get me up. I was wedged between the coffee table and the couch. It was funny! I think we all need a nice therapist. I have been going for a year and it helps a little. If I don’t get a tree up soon it will be too late. I tried not putting up anything and it made me depressed. I will try to work on it tomorrow. Hope you girls can do Christmas. The kids make it worthwhile. : )

Thank you…hope you DO put up a tree…I did but had to stop cuz my back hurt soooooo bad…but after it felt better I just went right back and did it…I just have always loved the Christmas lights…It reminds me of when I was a little kid…my mom had a weird tradition (maybe not weird but it was odd at least) that Santa always decorated the tree…hey maybe she didnt want us to fight over stuff…never thought about that…that way she got to do it alone…haha …sometimes moms ARE smart…I am not giving up on there being an answer someday…Drs are close on other problems…I pray everyday Dr Herbst gets funding to do extensive research into DD…Im glad there is this place where you can post without being ignorewd (unlike another DD site)…Thank akk of you for being there for others who need it…

I had steroid induced cushing’s syndrome from prednisone and the camel hump sounds the same. I just lost mine…and I DON’T WANT IT BACK!!!

I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. I am depressed too, 2 of my daughters and I had a blow out Thanksgiving and I guess we aren’t speaking…all over them being jealous of my oldest daughter opening a Bridal Shop!!! GRRRRRRRRR!!! It isn’t helping me one bit!

(((((((((( GENTLE HUGS ))))))))


Judy, I have the “camel hump” too. Was yours from the cushings or the DD. How did you get rid of it?
Sorry about the difficulties with your daughters. Jealousy is such a destructive emotion.


OH el, I am so so sorry for what you are going through right now. I had read that charlie horses and cramps were related to DD, and have experienced quite a few myself. I also have that lump in my neck, but it is not painful. YET.

I had bought a $10.00 fiber optic tree at Walmart and put up, and the dang thing died on me after 1 week. Hubby tried to fix it, but broke it beyond repair. Mind you, I live in an RV full time, as we are retired, so it was a small tree. Then I made up my mind to do without, but I just COULDNT !!

Yesterday I bought a small tree at 40 percent off at our local hardware store, it was predecorated with lights. It looks fine and I am glad I have a tree again.

Mind you, I bought some small cute ornaments to go on the tree, and I imagine i put them somewhere SAFE until I could get to them, and I have searched everywhere and cannot find them. Guess I am glad they were so small and inexpensive. My poor brain fog is bad.

Just wanted to respond to your posts, all of you, and encourage you to hang in, go day to day, minute to minute, pill to pill !!



I have quite a few clusters of bumbs between my shoulder blades and lower neck, they are the most painful, partly because I spend so much time in front of the computer and I a short so the ergonomics don’t work right for me. I had seven tumors removed from my back about a year ago, my dermatologist did it. He is the one who initially diagnosed me. I was hoping having them removed would help with the pain. But sadly it hasn’t really helped. I just get more and more all the time. I know getting them all removed in impossible, plus it will creat more scar tissue which is just as painful.

The most relief I get is heat packs and seeing my massage therapist who does a great job of keeping me mobil. Plus we now have an acupunterist in our office and she is really smart and seems to know how to alliviate my pain. She has not heard of DD either and has been asking friends who might know what type of treatment can help. She has given me herbs before but they did not really help liked I had hoped they would.