My daughter has bipolar

I am new to this group, I usually write on the depression group, which I am, but now that they have diagnosed my daughter, it seems to be tough during her manic periods. She is doing as well as can be expected with trying to get adjusted to her meds. She is on seroquel and lamictal and it seems to be doing ok with it. It is so hard to help her, when I don’t even understand the ramifications of this illness, it is a learn as you go so I hope that you don’t mind if I ask questions when she gets manic.


kitkat, i’m am new to this group as well. sorry to hear about your daughter. i was diagnosed two years ago. i had a manic episode that put me into the hospital. it took along time for me to find the right meds. i’m on lamictal too and found it to be very helpful. i’ve heard alot of good things about seroquel too. sounds like your on the right track. hang in there. hugs…tmk