My first pancreatic attack

I thought I was pooing yellow cannola oil. Sharp pains, difficulty breathing deeply, pulse racing, nauseated, lower than typical b/p 98/70, p 117, temp normal by night temp was up but only one degree, but I awoke during night completely wet with sweat so I think my temp went up.

I am fine now seems it just passed. I am still weak at my tummy and only eating soft liquid foods.
I have Hepatitis C, and have had my gall bladder removed already.

I hope this is my only pancreatic problem. Let me hear from some of yall ok?
huge hugs and mile wide smiles

Is this first attack recent or is it a remembrance of your first one? Sorry I just get a bit confused sometimes, regardless I hope that you feel better soon, and that you don’t get any more of them.
Hugs, Prayers, and Good Thoughts,
Lindia K.

Oh River, don’t mean to lol, but such detail, sorry :frowning: I think that sounds a lot like Liver problems along with pancreas problems…I say this because I just went through the same thing last week, and doc’s say it’s a flair up from the liver damage???

I sure hope you are feeling better, and are back to your normal self! Sorry it’s been so darn long, been going through a lot of medical procedures myself, even having a EUS on Wed. the 2nd…Talk about hurting ouch was not fun, but they gave me good pain meds. so that helped plus slept alot! When I get more time I will send you a private message ok…With all my love, and prayers coming your way…

Love, Barb :slight_smile:

Since I do have Hepatitis C this probably does sound like a remembrance, but no, this was my first ‘p’ attack, per the Dr.

Very different kind of pain. Sorry for the graphic details I will omit them in the future. ~Sheepish grin~ I had thought it would help. Didn’t mean for it to be TMI. hahaha Liver, pancreas I can’t tell. I just know
I’m not working right. My liver is stage 3 with bridging.

I don’t drink / don’t do drugs but stress is a constant factor in my life right now and I am so terribly depressed. I am working to stay up beat but sometimes I just have to tuck tail and run. This is one of those times, I’m afraid.

I’m whipped. I surrender.


Do not omit the gross stuff. If there were a properly descriptive
bumper sticker, it would be: Pancreatitis: We are only in it for the
pain and the crap!


Hiya river
I know just how it feels. I had an attack about 7 years ago at christmas time when visiting my mom Ive had two back surgeries and they didnt come close to this pain! it was my first and only attack my ex blames it on the greasy fried chicken i had at the airport on the way down lol (it actually could have been but I wouldn’t admit since I love fried chicken lol) Ironically my son has had about three attacks starting when he was about 17 (he actually had stomach ulcers when he was 10!) after doing several tests they discovered he has something weird with the tube that the enzymes flow through? anyway they removed his gall bladder and hes been ok for quite some time now but always has to be careful with his diet .what causes the intense pain is basically the enzymes that dissolve your food leak out and start dissolving you!
well just wanted to add my two cents worth

McD~ your son’s case sounds awful. I’ll take my measly one attack over that!!! I am hoping mine is a one time thing. It’s an awful pain, I have much compassion for those who deal with this disease on a regular basis. Ouch!!!