Hi, I’m a new member. I do not have celiac’s disease, as far as I know. I have narcolepsy. Some studies have been done that has people convinced that narcolepsy is also a gluten problem, something about the gluten chemical binds with the receptors for narcolepsy receptors, causing extreme daytime sleepiness and inability to sleep in the deep stages of sleep.
I am going to start the GF diets to see if it helps my narcolepsy. I take meds at night to help me deep sleep at night, and that helps a lot. But if the GF diet helps too, all the better.
I am going to start with breads and pasta. If I can live with GF products, I think I can handle the rest. But I crave breads and pasta, casseroles and bagels, etc. So I plan on getting a few loaves of bread and starting there. I have to be on the diet for up to two months to see any difference. But I hear the difference is amazing.
I joined the Celiac Disease forum here, because I think it will be the best place to discuss the diets with people.