Neck and spine issues

Woah! I guess I got lucky in my car accident…

Um, maybe just going through your range of motion could help? Try massaging around the ‘knobs’-- but not actually rubbing the knobs… If I rub my knobs too much, it makes the pain worse.

I pull my neck constantly- rubbing the actual muscles help (rub up and down- left to right rolls it and can hurt more in my experience).

Hope I helped.

Grandma Sylvia,
You bet I was a stinker, my parents love to tell stories on me, my first experience in trying to scare the heck out of them was when I was two.

We had to travel alot because my father was a driller and we went where ever his work was. We came home at Christmas to visit my grandparents and not being a patient child I wanted apple juice, mom didn’t get fast enough so I decide I would get it myself. Well instead of apple juice I picked up a clear jar of CLOROX BLEACH!!! instead. I have a vague recollection of almost choking to death!!! Thank GOD I didn’t really ingest too much.

The next christmas I thought the christmas lights were candy so I started eating them off the tree!!! Is is a miracle I lived past three years old.

Growing up on a ranch I followed my grandfather everywhere and I would get myself into all kinds of trouble, mostly by irritating the animals, cows, horses goats you name it I got ran over thrown off and kicked at. It took me a while to figure out it was me that needed to stay away from them… duh…

As I said before horses and I have had the most trouble. I can’t count how many accidents I had. Every time my cousin would come for a visit we would put our heads together and start some kind of trouble.

I sure miss those days too. God I had fun. But I am sure paying the price now. But I have great memories that is a good thing.

So yep I was a stinker and I can safely say there are more than a couple of people who would say I still am. But now I can’t run or move fast enough to get out of the way. Darn the luck.

I had to share that, you reminded me of how much I got myself into as a child. (and adult too!hahaha)

Love and hugs to all,

Welcome Cathy! I am in the same place as you with DD… I am almost diagnosed. I am having a biopsy done this afternoon. The doctor told me he is 90% sure it is dercums but wants to do a biopsy to be sure they are lipomas. (I really wonder what else in the world they could be! Mice under my skin???)

So sorry you have neck problems (add a heart here, I don’t know how to do that) This group is such a lifesaver, I was so alone and this group gave me hope and friends who REALLY know exactly what you feel. Just knowing you are not alone is such a wonderful feeling! ((((hugs to you, new friend))))

I had a brain injury as a teenager, I hope there is no evidence of getting lipomas in your brain due to previous trauma. Oh well, it doesn’t matter if they do or not… Sometimes I have these really enlightened moments when I realize that we all just get one life – and since this is my one and only life I better enjoy it as much as I can. (I am having one of those enlightened moments right now but in a few hours I might be whining, haha)

LOL! You were a stinker Brennie! Oh I know the things you did were nothing to laugh at at the time-- but so funny to hear the stories now. Who knew one child could get into so much mischief! hehe

Hey all and thanks to everyone that has replied and made me feel so welcome here :slight_smile:
I dont have alot of motion in my neck at all due to the bones being fused together and if i do move it too far then lol i know about it ouchie !!I have tried rubbing it but it becomes too painful so im just having to grin and bear it atm but i do have alot of large lumps where all the scar tissue is and they seem to have gotten larger recently so will have to show these too the Dr as well…it may have nothing to do with DD and could be arthritus either way the pressure feeling is giving me the most horrendous indegestion and sick feeling …any ways i hope you are all having a great day and once again thanks for the warm welcome hugs Cathy

Welcome Cathy!
My name is Christine. I am sorry to hear about the painful lumps. I haven’t been able to catch up on some of the back posts since I have been busy on my site. I didn’t see if you were taking anything for the pain. I am taking a combo of neurontin and mexitil and it help so much. I don’t think that I would be able to move some days without them. It takes that nerve pain edge off a bit. There are a bunch of well rounded (no pun intended…lol) individuals here. Most of us have been there done that so we all understand and are there for you if you need us. Just give me a hollar if I can do anything to help. Stop by the new website and check it out. If you would like to add anything or if you find something online that you think we should add, let me know.

about the neck pain…I have it too as well as not so good results in blood flow in brain.
…But check your blood pressure. I have noticed that I get it when I have over done things again or are getting sick.
…And when I take my blood pressure it is high. so I usually take an extra bloodpressure tablet (or a halv depending the pressure)
But there is definetly something going on in our necks :wink: Gggrrh!

I have flu and feel misserable. I have had very high fever and I have been throwing up and terrible head ache… Urgggh!

Another thing that helps is to put ice or cold pack to neck , my pain gets tolerable …

have to sleep again…

Hope you recover quickly Arieldiva! Take good care of yourself.
(((get well soon hugs)))

I hope you feel better soon theres some nasty stomach bugs going around at the moment :frowning: hugs Cathy

Hope you are feeling better today. The flu is miserable. My youngest son just had a viral infection much like the flu, he was a very unhappy boy. But he is much better now thank GOD. Its a beautiful day and he is outside playing with the animals.


HI all
This subject on the neck is really interesting as this was 1 of the first areas affected i got the hump at the back which was put down to steriods then a schwannoma removed from the left side, then i began having reduced movement and had MRI which showed spondylosis of spine and neck area, now have real bad pain in base of skull, pins and needles that run from shoulder to shoulder and down arms, have real problems with bladder retention that has to be emptied by self catheter and this could be of nerve compression in neck, recent disscussion with my GP was take my diazepam at regular times and keep my painkillers regular,perhaps try a soft support collar a couple hours a day I also have acid reflux which is getting worse and take 40mg ompresole twice a day 300mg ranadine at night gaviscon at every meal plus domperidone and still suffer worse at night waiting for a barium meal xray end next month to see what can be done.
gentle hugs painfree wishes and lit candles for you all from HELENA

Helena…I am so sorry that you have to go through so much. I am having some problems emptying my bladder and I thought it was due to my diabetes…kidneys? My neck is so bad. I have the large hump and constant buzzing from the back of my skull down my neck. So your bladder can be affected by your neck? I know that diabetic neuropathy can cause problems. So, I hope you find some help. Hugs, Grandma Sylvia

Interesting that Helen said that she had a schwannoma removed. That brings us back to that topic we had before about them G-ma S. I really do wonder if some of these things are schwannomas, since the nerve pain is so bad. I have had neck pain my whole life. The burning pain that goes really deep in the shoulders and neck has been part of my whole life. Now I am really curious. I will have to bring this topic up to Dr. H if it hasn’t been already. G-ma Sylvia, have you already asked her?

Bless you, Tina for the the next time you sneezy. Poor sweets. I hate it that you are going through the flu…like you need any more pain.

So sorry about your pain, and everyone here who has pain – haha, that would be all of us! I truely do feel for you and all.

I didn’t know what a schwannomas was, I had to look it up. I just learn something new every day.

I love your name Helena, it was my grand mother’s name and had I had a girl it was going to be her name, but then I just had a boy. I wasn’t going to name him after my grandpa, his name was Otto, hehe, I think that is a funny sounding name so I didn’t want to torture my child.

I don’t have any humps on my neck, but I do have a consistant pain on the right side of my neck every night. It only happens when I am laying down in bed. Oh well, one more poopy pain I am dealing with, it just never ends!

Hi all Ladymary here, been having switching problems with my internet, went from Cox to Verizon and can’t get anyone to switch over with me even tho I sent a zillion emails telling all of the change over. Anywho, talking about neck, something new has come up very recently with my neck and shoulders…I can feel extremely painful lumps along my collar bone and there is a good size soft swelling near the left side of my neck where the collarbone meets the neck. My shoulders along that path are very painful and sore to the touch, when I shrug the pain and tenderness is heightened. Does anyone else have the collarbone tenderness and small painful lumps?? thanks and hugs, Bev

Hi Bev!
I was wondering where you have been. Switching over is hard sometimes. I have tiny pea sized lumps along my collar bones as well. I have more along the tops of my shoulders to my neck. I am pretty much always extremely tender from my neck to my shoulders.
Take care,

Same here. I’ve had neck problems as long as I can remember, including a big, hard lump on the left side of my cervical spine. I know Sylvia did ask Dr H about the schwannomas, and she answered, but I can’t remember what she said. She didn’t think it was a DD thing though.


I don’t know, I find it strange that yet another person with DD has a link to a schwannoma. We know that these darn things generally run along nerves. Schwannomas are directly on nerves. I wonder if Dr. Herbst has looked into that. Schwannomas are supposed to be very rare. If it wasn’t for my grandmother having one, I wouldn’t have ever heard of them. Lately, we are hearing more about schwannoma here. Maybe there is a link to them that we just don’t know about. I find it very odd.

Could be, Christine! We do seem prone to a bunch of rare diseases and syndromes here, much higher than the general population. I wonder if it is more to do with our apparently over active immune systems?


I asked Dr H on the other web site and she gave a brief answer that they are not related to DD. She did not answer the part of my question where I asked if she was familiar with the research of the doctor in Texas I think it was. I still wonder if there is a tie in though. It is like what is in a name? We call something DD or Fibro or Schwa??? but they may all be related to the body’s immune system screwy reaction to some virus or parasite or something. When we get a name for what we have we think that will help in some way but it does not make a difference when their is no treatment. I have been hoping for some years that I would find out what is wrong with me and how to cure it or at least make it better. It has been a help to me to realize that whatever immune system thing this DD is causes my many seemingly unconnected symptoms. You wonder if you are crazy or a hypocrondiac (sp?) until you talk to our friend here on Careplace and discover that we pretty much all have the same symptoms. I know that Pam has pretty much every thing that I do…also Brennie, Helena, Christina…and so on! We can’t all be nuts! I know that we have managed to live pretty normal lives in spite of the pain and disability. I know that I have driven myself to do all that I can do. As they say “most men live lives of quiet desperation”. Christine, maybe we can have a scharamama-ding-dong link on the new web page which I can’t get into for some reason? Hugs Anew…Grandma Sylvia