I have been off prednisone for 1 week after finishing my second taper. I am wondering if I need a Neuro.
My symptoms are …A tremor in my hands
VERY scatterbrained. I can’t find the right words to say and I am saying things wrong sometimes. I feel all jittery sometimes when I am talking to people. Today at the mall I was getting dizzy looking from side to side at the stores as I walked.
I can’t remember something after less than a minute.
I don’t want to go back on prednisone…I know if I call my Rheumy he’ll want to do another taper…or maybe even stay on it
Any advice?
Yes. Stay on the prednisone. Appears you may be suffering from aseptic encephalo meningitis. Having been diagnosed in 1995, I have found prednisone and anti coagulation therapy a must do. One to keep blood flow during an inflammatory flare and the other to hit hard at the inflammation. Take care dear. Randy
stacib behcets-cpt7030@lists.careplace.com wrote: