
 I have recently added this to my medications  the Neurontin is for reducing my essential tremors which it does. What has anyone else taken this for  and what effect have you had? Thanks!Cshells!

I've been taking Neurontin for a long time now, and it has helped my tremors and the tingling and burning in my arm.  I have reflex sympathetic dystrophy on my right side. The doctors have never mentioned any other drug for this. I take 2400 mg. a day. How much are you taking?  I'll be interested to see what others say in response to your post.


I take 300 mg @ bedtime of the Neurontin, my Mom took it for tremors also but I am not sure how much!I’d be curious how much and for what symptoms others are taking this for as well as any side effects  too! Thanks for responding! HUGS! Cshells!

  Im reading this thread with interest.. as its never been suggested to me to try taking medication for the tremors I get when Ive overdone anything.  (Ive twice been mistaken for a parkinsons patient by medical personal due to my tremors).

  I thou also get spasms too.. esp in one of my hands, like my hand is throwing a seizure or something (after use but when I go to to rest it, if Ive used it to much). Ive no idea what this thing is called.  Its very embarrassing when it happens so I will try to hold it still with my other hand.


I take 600MG four times a day for a couple of things.  I have Fibromyalgia (and probably CFS) and suffer with chronic pain every day.  My main med is a 3-day fentanyl patch, but I was given this to help with 'Restless Legs Syndrome'.  However, when I tried to cut back on the meds I was taking, I also tried to cut back on this, but found it made me miserable.  More pain, mostly, and my doc said that this drug works well WITH the patch, so it was not surprising to him that cutting back on this -- with my amount of pain -- made my pain worse, or at least, more noticeable.

I don't know if this is what you were looking for in the way of "What has anyone else taken this for and what effects have you had?", but this is my contribution!  Hope you're feeling well -- relatively speaking, of course!  Take care........

SBernheart  [;}]


I also have taken Neurontin but it made my head feel foggy and I felt as if I were a bit dizzy all the time. I was then switched to a newer drug like Neurontin but it is called Lyrica and that helps with the pain much more than the Neurontin ever did. The only downfall to these medications is that they are very addicting so you will need to be weened off of them. If I miss a daily dose I become very sick although the next day that goes away once I get the medication back in me.
I take the Lyrica (and also took the Neurontin) for Chronic Pain. I take it along with a pain patch like the previous poster which I change every two days because the normal three day wear of it didn’t last long enough.
I have restless leg syndrome and fibromyalgia as some of the previous poster also mentioned and the Neurontin and Lyrica never helped with either of those types of pain. I have a lot of other medical issues as well, but mostly I take it for the chronic pain that is a result of my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

I have taken Neurontin for about three years. They want me to take 600 mg 3x per day, but if I do, I am in a deep fog all day. So now I take it at night.

It works really well with relaxing your muscles, but be aware that it causes weight gain.


I suffer from stage 3 rheumatoid Arthritis and CFS/Fibromyalgia. I have been taking a combination of Neurontin and Zanaflex at bedtime…its the only things that get me to sleep and Im only a bit achey in the morning…they have worked wonders for me. I also highly recommend you seeing a core/myofascial massage therapist…he is my godsend.

Climb to the top of the charts! Play Star Shuffle: the word scramble challenge with star power.

Hi Cat,

Thanks for your response. I’ve never heard of Zanaflex before, but will mention it to my doctor during my next visit. Sleep is definately an issue and the doctors seem to be at a loss.

I’ve tried the massage therapy and, while it felt okay during the massage, within a couple of hours I felt like someone had beaten me with a hammer. I was useless for the next couple of days… so I’ve been scared to go back.

Hi Cat,

Thanks for your response. I’ve never heard of Zanaflex before, but will mention it to my doctor during my next visit. Sleep is definately an issue and the doctors seem to be at a loss.

I’ve tried the massage therapy and, while it felt okay during the massage, within a couple of hours I felt like someone had beaten me with a hammer. I was useless for the next couple of days… so I’ve been scared to go back.

I started taking Neurontin when my ME-CFS started in 1998 with headaches 24 hours a day/7 days a week and terrible myalgias, (not to be confused with fibromyalgia because it did not affect 18 tender points and joints, etc)…these myalgias burned down to the bone all over my entire body. I started out with 600 mgs a day, 2 in the am, 1 at noon, 1 at supper and 2 at bed time. At first it was really, really rough because the Neurontin offcentered my balance. I must say it saved my life back then because I was ready to go be with Jesus and was in bed all the time with nothing but severe pain. Thankfully, and I don’t know why, because my illness got worse in '06, I have been able to go down to 200 mgs in the pm only, well I do know why, I believe God answers many, long term prayers. I have found with Chronic Illness, patience and waiting, waiting, waiting and more prayer all the time to keep my emotions and mental thinking positive. Maybe it was due to me being led to the powerful supplements I have taken and they took the place of the migranes and myalgias…I still have the migraines but not as bad, just before and during my period and the same with the myalgias. I was also on Requip for severe pain my legs, and I also left Requip behind at the end of July. My legs don’t hurt, but humbly their are days where I think there is so much buzzing in my legs that I might have to go back on it. I keep praying though, hope against hope, that I won’t have to. I am still dealing with the mild narcolepsy that sometimes accompanies ME-CFS and the severe fatigue and Lichen Planus that all came at once in '06. Before that I could still function, doing the housework, cooking, driving etc. I haven’t driven in a year, although I went out and drove around the block to get out frustration and stress from being couped up in the house and other things. I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep at the wheel, so I am very careful not to unless I know I can stay awake and I have made a promise that I will only drive around the block first to start with. I walk the length and width of the driveway 3 times a day now so I won’t get bedsores. I couldn’t do that a year ago, not even 6 months ago.
It’s very hard to get a clear picture of the person I no longer am, and creating a new normal is very hard to get used to.
I hope this helps someone.
Love & Huggles–Beauty

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